Community Consultation – Gungahlin Block 3 Section 229

[ Post created on behalf of POD Projects Group ]

POD Projects Group are proposing a world class mixed-use development on Block 3 Section 229 Gungahlin. It is a prime site of 11,797m2 within Gungahlin Town Centre bounded by Anthony Rolfe Avenue, Kate Crace Street, Ernest Cavanagh Street and Hinder Street. The site is proposed to be subdivided to create 3 separate blocks with 4 buildings constructed in stages over the next 8-10 years, with the first stage construction commencing immediately following planning approval.

The development will consist of a mix of residential, build-to-rent units, serviced apartments, commercial and home business premises. Building A is proposed to contain 150 dwellings, Building B1 & B2 contain 160 units each and Building C is proposed to contain 100 units. Approximately 1,600m2 of rooftop gardens are proposed across all 4 buildings and extensive landscaped shared zones including deep root plant zones are between all buildings to increase permeability through the site. This will connect Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Ernest Cavanagh Street. The proposal will also incorporate a number of sustainability initiatives to respond to climate change.

A virtual consultation will be held on 12th November 2020, should you wish to discuss the proposal, please register your interest via email ( In addition, the proposal will be presented to the Gungahlin Community Council at their monthly meeting on 11th November 2020.

Visit our website for further details. A flyer is also attached for your information.

GCC Seeks NBN Upgrade for Casey Stage 1 and Hall

The GCC has met with a representative from the nbn on 29/9/20 regarding the recently announced upgrades to the National Broadband Network (NBN):

This meeting was followed up in writing as follows:

Upgrade Casey Stage 1 and Hall

The majority of the NBN infrastructure in the district of Gungahlin is based on Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) technology. One portion of one suburb, Casey Stage 1, was deployed with Fibre to the Node (FTTN) technology as was the adjacent village of Hall (see below). This represents some 850 premises. Particularly in Casey, this has created a significant digital disadvantage for residents in these areas with houses on different sides of the street with widely different broadband quality (eg. The forgotten side of the street in Canberra’s broadband network). The GCC asks that the nbn prioritise the upgrading of Casey Stage 1 and Hall to FTTP as part of the plan to investment “$3.5 billion to make NBN Co’s highest wholesale speed tiers available, as demand arises, to up to 75 per cent of homes and businesses on the fixed-line network by 2023, including … taking fibre deeper into neighbourhoods serviced by Fibre to the Node (FTTN) technology, enabling on demand fibre upgrades and speeds of up to 1 Gbps”.

Business Fibre Zones

The GCC is concerned that the the Business Fibre Zones (BFZ) initiative will attract businesses to those regions/districts identified in this new build program, at the expense of regions/districts, such as Gungahlin, where Enterprise Ethernet (business-grade, fibre-based) services are already available. The GCC ask that nbn promote all regions/districts where Enterprise Ethernet services are available, not just those which are to upgraded to this capability through the BFZ program.

The Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) is a very long term advocate for improved broadband services for the district of Gungahlin, having pushed for improvements to services in the district prior to the announcement of the NBN. The GCC is therefore a passionate and strong supporter of the NBN, and has featured in a number of NBN launch announcements and worked with nbn on a range of communications and community engagement issues.

We look forward to the completion of an “all-fibre” NBN footprint for Gungahlin!

Please engage with us early on the process by which the FTTN to FTTP upgrades will be identified and implemented (we understand there were some announcements on this last week).

NBN Mapping Tool – Yellow is FTTN; Purple is FTTP


ABS Census Test

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is about to conduct a Census Test in parts of Gungahlin. The test is part of ABS’ extensive planning for the next Census in August 2021.
Census data plays an important role in our community. For example, it has been used to help protect Canberrans at risk and keep communities safe. ACT Policing use Census data about population growth in suburbs and known pockets of vulnerability. This helps them foresee problems and allocate police and other community services where they’re needed most.

Census Test night is Tuesday 27 October 2020.

The Census Test is voluntary, but it’s important that everyone who is invited to participate takes part. The GCC strongly supports the ABS Census and encourages all those selected to do the Census Test to participate. Watch this video to learn more:

From 14 October, households in selected test locations will start receiving letters or forms with instructions on how to complete the Census Test from the ABS.

Not everyone in test locations will be asked to participate. If households don’t receive information from the ABS, there’s nothing they need to do.

Households can complete the Census Test online or on paper and should include everybody who stayed in their household on Census Test night, including visitors and babies.

If people don’t complete the test on Census Test night, they can still do it online afterwards or request a paper form. They may receive a reminder letter from us or in some areas (excluding Victoria) field staff may visit.

Residents can call the Census Test Contact Centre on 1800 512 441 and also find more information and self-service options at

Waste and Recycling Services

Waste and Recycling Services

This article provided by  the ACT NoWaste Education Team as a followup to the GCC public meeting 14/10/2020.

Bulky Waste Collections

Bulky waste collections started in Gungahlin and Tuggeranong on 15 July 2020 for ALL households. The existing service for concession card holders is still available in all ACT suburbs.

Book your FREE collection to save yourself a trip to the tip.

If you live in a multi-unit development with a shared waste enclosure, contact your body corporate or managing agent to make a booking and identify a suitable location for placement of the goods for collection.

Households receive a single collection per year of up to two cubic metres for items including damaged furniture and worn out household appliances.

Bulky waste limit is 2 cubic metres

Food Waste

Food waste makes up over 1/3 of what goes in our red bins, and approximately 26,000 tonnes of household food waste goes to the ACT landfill each year.

You’d be forgiven for thinking ‘I’ve got this covered with my chickens and compost bin’ but think again…

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign is all about eating the food that was grown, transported, stored and sold for consumption. It’s about eating food before it goes bad! By rethinking the food we throw away, Canberra households can save up to $3,800 every year off their food bills – that’s up to $73 each week.

Love Food Hate Waste is a part of the ACT’s response to help halving Australia’s food waste by 2030 and aims to help reduce food waste at home with inspiring ideas, recipes, facts and resources to ensure that edible food is not thrown away.

Reducing food waste is as simple as making a meal plan, fine-tuning and sticking to a shopping list, storing food well and using your leftovers. There are webinars and events where you can learn more: Click here to find upcoming webinars and events.

Now that is a recipe for good!

Are you Recycling Right?

Watch the short videos of 6 key tips ( which highlight recent changes to getting Recycling Right and find out about Canberra’s Recycling Story.

Canberra’s Recycling Story

Waste is a local problem in a global context.

How we avoid, re-use, recycle and dispose of waste is complex and multi-faceted. After reducing and reusing, recycling is the third best option when it comes to effective waste management. It is vital to the development of a circular economy that waste is viewed as a valuable resource to be used again, helping to avoid the use of natural resources and keeping materials out of landfill.

In Canberra we are lucky enough to have established relationships in local markets for much of the recycling collected and sorted at our Materials Recovery Facility, but that is just the part of the solution when it comes to valuing the materials that we rely on every day.

Do you know what is happens to your old glass bottles and jars?

A new collaboration between Icon Water, the ACT Government and Re-Group will turn recycled glass products into sand for local infrastructure projects.

It’s only waste, if you waste it!
ACT NoWaste Education Team

Gungahlin Land Releases 2020-21

Gungahlin Land Releases 2020-21

The availability of land in the ACT is driven by the ACT’s Government Land Release Program. A four-year Indicative Land Release Program  accompany’s each Territory Budget which sets out the Government’s intended land releases of residential, mixed use, commercial, industrial, and community and non-urban land.

The most recent four-year indicative land release program was published on 4 June 2019 covering the period 2019-20 through to 2022-23. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACT budget for 2020-21 (normally scheduled for early June) was postponed until after the ACT Election in October 2020. An August 2020 Economic and Fiscal Update was published on 24 August and this contains an updated Indicative Land Release Program for just 2020-21 (p. 149-153).

The table below shows the differences between the original four-year indicative plan (2019) and the August 2020 update for 2020-21. Some further details on are included for each suburb and the GCC thanks staff from the Surban Land Agency (SLA) and Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) for providing much of this information.

Mixed Use AreaCommercialCommunity
As of
August 2020
As of
June 2019
As of
August 2020
As of
June 2019
As of
August 2020
As of
June 2019
As of
August 2020
As of
June 2019


The land expected to be released is two large blocks along Kingsland Parade – blocks 12, 13 of section 132 Casey. Although zoned as commercial, they are part of an arrangement associated with the development of the Casey group centre, outlined in a MyGungahlin article in 2018. Essentially these two blocks will be serviced by the developer of the Casey group centre and then handed back to the ACT government for community use. EPSDD are going through a process of consultation to determine what these community uses might be – an early insight on the “needs analysis”  part of this consultation was provided at the GCC’s February 2020 meeting. The 100 residential dwellings would be part of this development.


The large commercal site included in the land release program in 2019-20 (Block 1 Section 228 Gungahlin) is not expected to be brought to market in 2020-21. This site is zoned commercial, but with the option of community use and is currently being used as a car park.

The mixed use developments are unchanged from last year, and are made up of blocks 3, 5 and 6 of section 249 Gungahlin. Notably, Block 6 extends to the proposed linear park. Planning for the linear park will include a consultation commencing after the ACT Election to be undertaken by the SLA. With the potential increase in the number of residential dwellings in the town centre, the GCC would like to see the scale of the linear park, and other green space in the town centre, expanded.


The release of 350 dwellings in Jacka won’t happen in 2020-21 – the Development Application for the next phase of Jacka was only submitted in July 2020. The GCC had some concerns with this DA including that it

  • Failed to address the significance of the Elm Grove heritage listing,
  • Proposes significant loss of Trees and Woodland, and
  • Poorly consulted with the community.

These article might also be of interest – Jacka development’s heritage impact on Elm Grove catastrophic, says report


No change for Moncrief with the focus on the likely sale of the blocks that will form the group centre located on Horse Park Drive (Blocks 1 and 2, Section 22). Eactly how these sites will be brought to market is yet to be determined (separately, together, etc.). It’s likely that a supermarket will be included, as well as at least 90 residential dwellings in the mixed use site (lighter blue).


Obviously a large number of residential dwellings are scheduled to come to market in Taylor, as well as the commercial site that will form the Taylor local centre. The community site is for the proposed Hindu temple.


The headline change for Throsby is the the new primary school for which the Development Application was lodged in July 2020. The school will cater for 450 kindergarten to year 6 students plus 123 preschool students, with space to grow with the population, and is expected to be opened in 2022.


The suburb of Kenny is the last suburb planned for Gungahlin. The ACT territory plans shows Kenny as it was originally planned to be prior to the Gungahlin Strategic Assessment (first picture below). As a result of the assessment, the decision to create an additonal environmental offset reserve, and the physical constraints of the remaining area, Kenny will be much smaller. Detailed planning for Kenny is currently underway, but the site for the Kenny high school has been confirmed, and it’s construction is proceeding ahead of the rest of suburb, and is expected to be completed in time for the 2023 school year.



GCC Public Meeting 14 October


The October public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 14 October 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook via the GCC Facebook page. Attendees are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting. Please REGISTER HERE and you will be emailed the link needed to join the Zoom meeting.


ACT Election 2020 – Community of Nicholls Residents Group

[ posted on behalf of the Community of Nicholls Residents Group (CNRG) at their request ]

ACT Election – Party & Candidate responses to CNRG’s “Securing the future of our green space” Letter

On behalf of the Nicholls Community, CNRG’s objective has been to secure the long term future of the Gold Creek Golf Course (GCGC) and its surrounding green space. In mid-July, Political Parties and Candidates contesting the upcoming ACT Election in the Electorate of Yerrabi were asked their position on re-zoning and commercial development of this space.

While a few of the responses received were unambiguous in their opposition to any re-zoning of the GCGC land, others only referred to their opposition to the proposal as put forward in April 2018 and/or would decide at the time if a firm proposal was ever lodged.

To assist residents in developing a view on preferred Candidates, CNRG has assessed the responses according to the level of confidence that our objective will be achieved, as follows (with relevant extracts from the responses).

The full responses, along with a generic copy of CNRG’s letter, are available on the CNRG website. Residents are encouraged to further review and consider these before casting your ballot,


Canberra Liberals

“The Canberra Liberals were the first Party to come out against the rezoning of the Gold Creek Golf Course, and we remain steadfast in our position. All Canberra Liberals MLAs and candidates oppose rezoning of this green space for development.

The Canberra Liberals understand what makes Nicholls great and the need to ensure the character of the suburb is maintained.

Jacob Vadakkedathu

“In response to your letter seeking my stand on the Golf course issue, I would like to state the following: 

  1. I strongly support the protection of existing pristine green spaces in Canberra from development by developers; 
  2. I oppose redevelopment of any part of the Gold Creek Golf Course and its surrounding green space, and 

I would strongly object if an Application to amend the current Purpose Clause in the Gold Creek Country Club Lease and/or to amend the zoning of the Block & Sections encompassing the Gold Creek Golf Course and its surrounding green space were to come before the Legislative Assembly.”

David Pollard (David Pollard Party)

“Put clearly, I would oppose any variation to the lease or zoning that would allow residential or commercial development on this green space. There are multiple reasons for my position, but the two standouts are:

  1.  I believe we should be protecting as much green space as we can in Yerrabi and all of Canberra.
  2.  I believe that the community voice is critical in any significant change in planning direction (rezoning, lease variation), and the community voice in

Nicholls has been abundantly clear regarding this land.”

Bethany Williams (ACT Progressives)

“I base every decision I make on evidence, fairness and ethics. My opposition to the rezoning and potential redevelopment of 49 hectares of the Gold Creek Golf Course is purely based on the information I have read, which does not compel me to share the views of the developer. So if elected, I will be opposing any rezoning of any parts of the Gold Creek Golf Course for development.

Less Confident

ACT Labor

“I note the ongoing concerns you have outlined in your email regarding the proposed redevelopment of Gold Creek Golf Course. Given the community opposition to this redevelopment as put forward by the proponents, ACT Labor cannot support this proposal as it was presented to the community in April 2018.”

Deepak-Raj Gupta (ACT Labor)

“I am aware that my colleagues extended their support to CNRG regarding a previous proposal to develop the Gold Creek Country Club. … I would like to echo their position, in particular that developers should respect community views. … Nicholls is a beautiful part of Canberra and I am committed to supporting its residents and maintaining the unique character of the area.

If there are any proposals to develop or rezone the golf course in the future, I will continue to work with and listen to the community so we can prioritise open spaces.”

ACT Greens

“After listening to the community’s concerns about the proposal put forward by the Gold Creek Country Club, the ACT Greens would not support it in its current form. Should a future proposal come forward that addresses these concerns, the Greens would consider community views at the time and consider it on its merits.”

Mainul Haque (ACT Greens)

“I am for need based policies and not for greed and would not support any development that is against the wishes and interest of our community.

I would not support the proposal in its current form. I would consider community views and a revised proposal that addresses these concerns, on its merits.”

Community Consultation – Gungahlin Block 7 Section 249

[ Post created on behalf of Dish Developments with Turco and Associates ]

Dish Developments with Turco and Associates is pleased to present its first residential development in Gungahlin for pre-DA community consultation.

Situated on the corner of Kate Crace Street and Camilleri Way, the site looks out over the Mulanggari Grasslands Nature Reserve and abuts a ribbon of public open space that runs through to Flemington Road and beyond.

The proposal delivers 70 two and three-bedroom townhouses and 29 one and two-bedroom apartments in a mix of two and three storey buildings. In line with the ACT Government’s conditions of sale, the apartment building incorporates 28 affordable dwellings. All parking for the development (resident and visitor) is provided in a single level basement that runs the length of the site. Each of the townhouses has direct access from a secure space in the basement.

A presentation on the proposal can be accessed at the following link:

Comments, questions and feedback from the community are welcome and can be sent to – we will aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.


ACT Election 2020 Expectations

The Gungahlin Community Council expects Yerrabi MLAs to be advocates for issues and accountable for decisions that impact Gungahlin residents and businesses. Over the next term of government, Yerrabi MLAs must strive to complete Gungahlin as a fully serviced district. The Gungahlin community needs are:

Planning and Community Engagement

Community Facilities

  • Address shortfall in sport, recreation and community services
  • Expand, improve and maintain green spaces
  • Establish community spaces at town centre, group and suburb levels
  • Facilitate more retirement and aged care facilities
  • Activate spaces through events, festivals, markets, etc.


  • Halt the loss of town centre commercial space to mixed/residential
  • Actively attract more employers to Gungahlin

Town Centre

  • Fix traffic flow and parking issues
  • Reconsider the employment and green space impact of DV364
  • Enable greater variety and quality of retail outlets
  • Improve active travel to/from town centre


  • Complete road infrastructure including any remaining duplications
  • Improve commute times on public transport

Public Safety

  • Upgrade police presence (staffing and station)
  • Fix town centre and traffic issues
  • Identify other road safety hotspots across Gungahlin
  • Address physical safety concerns (e.g. Yerrabi Pond lighting)

Download as PDF

GCC ACT Election Forum 9 September

The next GCC public meeting will be an ACT Election Forum to be held on Wednesday 9 September starting at 6:30pm. The Forum will be for candidates in the ACT seat of Yerrabi and will be conducted online using Zoom and live streamed on the GCC’s Facebook page. The aim of the Forum is to provide residents of Gungahlin a chance to identify and hear from candidates for the ACT seat of Yerrabi.

To join the the Forum, please REGISTER beforehand to receive the meeting details via email.

All parties registered for the ACT Election have been invited to attend, and all candidates have been asked to provide written answers to simple questions about Gungahlin ahead of the Forum. Candidate responses can be found at ACT Election 2020 Yerrabi Candidates Summary. The aim of this simple Q&A is to provide a succinct, Gungahlin-centric, “upfront” view of all candidates to assist residents in forming questions.

Candidates have also been sent a copy of the GCC’s ACT Election 2020 Expectations  which outlines the GCC’s understanding of what’s important to Gungahlin residents.


  1. Welcome and Introductions, Forum Host, Peter Elford, GCC
  2. Candidate Introductions, Yerrabi Candidates (3-4 minutes each)
  3. Open Question and Answers

If you have pre-prepared questions, please email them to the GCC prior to the event. Questions should be directed to specific candidates, to a specific party, or able to be answered with a show of hands. If a question is directed to a party that is represented by multiple candidates, only one candidate will be asked by the host to respond.

The aim of this Forum structure is to maximise the Q&A time – we are aiming for an hour of candidates speaking, and an hour of Q&A – ending at 8:30pm.