You can also access planning notifications directly from Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate . The following is an extract of the public applications selected by GCC that principally relate to the Gungahlin area based on a broad search (it may contain some overlapping streets from adjacent suburbs)
Note: This list may not be completely representative of all local DAs – please refer to the EPSDD site for complete data.
If you think an application may affect you in any way you may submit your comments (representations) to the Applications Secretariat by email, mail or delivery to the EDP-P customer service centre at 16 Challis St Dickson Your comments must be received by EPSDD during the specified public notification period. Comments received outside that period will not be considered.
EPSDD have developed an App to help and the App can also notify you of any Development Application – click to access
Latest 10 DAs for Gungahlin
Development Application: 202443614
67 Smalley Circuit, Giralang, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of the existing garage, construction of a new single storey dwelling to form a dual occupancy, extension to the existing dwelling and new garage, courtyard wall, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to specify two dwellings on the block.
Period for representations closes: 2025-02-03
Development Application: 202443618
9 Mondalmi Place, Bonner, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Seeking retroactive approval for an existing sunroom and associated works.
Period for representations closes: 2025-02-03
Development Application: 202443654
15 Sutcliffe Street, Nicholls, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Partial demolition and extension to existing dwelling, demolition of existing deck and pergola, construction of new pergola, alterations to front entry include replacement of front door/window and removal of porch columns, landscaping and associated works.
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-31
Development Application: 202443420
Kingsland Parade, Casey, ACT
Desecription: NOTFICATION END DATE CORRECTED TO 16 JANUARY 2025 - PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR SUBDIVISION OF TWO BLOCKS - subdivision of existing blocks to create four CZ1 - Core Zone Blocks (to be used for a future fire and ambulance station, future walk-in-centre, future indoor sports centre) and one PRZ1 urban Open Space block, new access road, associated infrastructure and servicing, tree removals, off-site works and associated works
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-16
Development Application: 202443486
15 Romberg Way, Taylor, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Seeking retrospective approval to enclose upper floor balcony and associated works.
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-24
Development Application: 202443560
58 Phyllis Ashton Circuit, Gungahlin, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Construction of two storey dwelling with attached garage, including alfresco, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-20
Development Application: 202443598
6 O'brien Place, Gungahlin, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Demolition of existing wall for the new windows, replacement of existing facade with two new signages, external alterations to the existing building facade, illuminated pylons and yard directional, new two electric vehicle (EV) chargers, internal alterations to the existing showroom, new sunshade, flags, and associated works.
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-16
Development Application: 202443475
The Valley Avenue, Gungahlin, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION ¿ Construction of 126 residential dwellings across two buildings of 4-6 storeys, two levels of basement parking, waste facilities, driveway/verge crossing, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to permit 126 multi-unit residential dwellings.
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-21
Development Application: 202443610
172 Mabo Boulevard, Bonner, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR NEW SWIMMING POOL - Construction of a new swimming pool, pool fencing, and associated works
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-15
Development Application: 202443542
19 Patten Street, Ngunnawal, ACT
Desecription: PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of a new single dwelling, tree removal, landscaping and associated works
Period for representations closes: 2025-01-13
ACT Government Maps
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