ACT Election – Party & Candidate responses to CNRG’s “Securing the future of our green space” Letter
On behalf of the Nicholls Community, CNRG’s objective has been to secure the long term future of the Gold Creek Golf Course (GCGC) and its surrounding green space. In mid-July, Political Parties and Candidates contesting the upcoming ACT Election in the Electorate of Yerrabi were asked their position on re-zoning and commercial development of this space.
While a few of the responses received were unambiguous in their opposition to any re-zoning of the GCGC land, others only referred to their opposition to the proposal as put forward in April 2018 and/or would decide at the time if a firm proposal was ever lodged.
To assist residents in developing a view on preferred Candidates, CNRG has assessed the responses according to the level of confidence that our objective will be achieved, as follows (with relevant extracts from the responses).
The full responses, along with a generic copy of CNRG’s letter, are available on the CNRG website. Residents are encouraged to further review and consider these before casting your ballot,
Canberra Liberals
“The Canberra Liberals were the first Party to come out against the rezoning of the Gold Creek Golf Course, and we remain steadfast in our position. All Canberra Liberals MLAs and candidates oppose rezoning of this green space for development.
The Canberra Liberals understand what makes Nicholls great and the need to ensure the character of the suburb is maintained.”
Jacob Vadakkedathu
“In response to your letter seeking my stand on the Golf course issue, I would like to state the following:
- I strongly support the protection of existing pristine green spaces in Canberra from development by developers;
- I oppose redevelopment of any part of the Gold Creek Golf Course and its surrounding green space, and
I would strongly object if an Application to amend the current Purpose Clause in the Gold Creek Country Club Lease and/or to amend the zoning of the Block & Sections encompassing the Gold Creek Golf Course and its surrounding green space were to come before the Legislative Assembly.”
David Pollard (David Pollard Party)
“Put clearly, I would oppose any variation to the lease or zoning that would allow residential or commercial development on this green space. There are multiple reasons for my position, but the two standouts are:
- I believe we should be protecting as much green space as we can in Yerrabi and all of Canberra.
- I believe that the community voice is critical in any significant change in planning direction (rezoning, lease variation), and the community voice in
Nicholls has been abundantly clear regarding this land.”
Bethany Williams (ACT Progressives)
“I base every decision I make on evidence, fairness and ethics. My opposition to the rezoning and potential redevelopment of 49 hectares of the Gold Creek Golf Course is purely based on the information I have read, which does not compel me to share the views of the developer. So if elected, I will be opposing any rezoning of any parts of the Gold Creek Golf Course for development.”
Less Confident
ACT Labor
“I note the ongoing concerns you have outlined in your email regarding the proposed redevelopment of Gold Creek Golf Course. Given the community opposition to this redevelopment as put forward by the proponents, ACT Labor cannot support this proposal as it was presented to the community in April 2018.”
Deepak-Raj Gupta (ACT Labor)
“I am aware that my colleagues extended their support to CNRG regarding a previous proposal to develop the Gold Creek Country Club. … I would like to echo their position, in particular that developers should respect community views. … Nicholls is a beautiful part of Canberra and I am committed to supporting its residents and maintaining the unique character of the area.
If there are any proposals to develop or rezone the golf course in the future, I will continue to work with and listen to the community so we can prioritise open spaces.”
ACT Greens
“After listening to the community’s concerns about the proposal put forward by the Gold Creek Country Club, the ACT Greens would not support it in its current form. Should a future proposal come forward that addresses these concerns, the Greens would consider community views at the time and consider it on its merits.”
Mainul Haque (ACT Greens)
“I am for need based policies and not for greed and would not support any development that is against the wishes and interest of our community.
I would not support the proposal in its current form. I would consider community views and a revised proposal that addresses these concerns, on its merits.”
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