Marketplace Newsletter No.4 Temporary

Town Centre Newsletter No.4

Temporary Hibberson Street Closure Update

This newsletter serves as a reminder to previous correspondence issued to all key stakeholders within the Gungahlin Town Centre about current changes in place due to the construction of the Hibberson Street underground link. This link will provide a convenient connection between the new 2-level, 505 space undercover carpark to the existing Big W basement car park when the new carpark opens in mid-2016.

Construction of the vehicular link is progressing well and we are on track to re-open Hibberson Street in 4 weeks.
The following key changes will remain in place until Hibberson Street re-opens on Tuesday 8 December:

  • – Hibberson Street closure to vehicular traffic from Gozzard Street to the pedestrian crossing between Woolworths and Big W malls
  • – The U-turning bay on Hibberson Street near the pedestrian crossing to allow vehicular traffic travelling west along Hibberson Street to make a U-turn
  • Current traffic detours around the Town Centre
  • – Hibberson Street closure to pedestrian traffic within the site compound area. Pedestrians are being redirected via The Marketplace Big W mall (through the new entry and the existing main entry) between 5:30am to 12:30am midnight, 7 days per week
  • – The temporary Town Centre Bus Stop on Gozzard Street near the Raiders Club.

Please Note: – Within the Big W mall there is no lift access to Hibberson Street until Hibberson Street re-opens (lift access to Level 1 and the basement car park is still available). If access to street level is required the lift can still be utilised, however customers will need to go to the Lower Ground Level of the Shopping Centre (underground car park), then take the travelator (moving walkway) or the pedestrian ramp to come back up into the mall.
READ THE FULL NEWSLETTER (including pictures)

Barton Highway Intersection

In response to a number of queries from residents about the Barton Highway intersection project, the GCC has sought additional information from ACT Roads regarding the decision to opt for signalisation rather than an flyover. In response, ACT Roads have provided a fact sheet describing the constraints of the site, the consideration of a flyover and the signalisation.

Download (PDF, 1.2MB)

More information can be found on the relevant section of the TAMS website

Fitness Station Consultation

The ACT Government has allocated further funding towards the installation of two fitness stations at Yerrabi Pond District Park in Gungahlin (and Eddison Park in Phillip).

This initiative will continue to complement the ACT’s Healthy Weight Action Plan by providing outdoor fitness equipment to enable a broad range of potential health benefits. The fitness stations will be designed for the community to complete circuits of cardio, strength and core based exercises.

The formal consultation period for the fitness equipment has closed. However, the Capital Works Design and Delivery team is currently seeking your feedback in regards to two aspects of the project:

– Placement of the fitness equipment at each location. Three options are proposed for Yerrabi Pond District Park (see map).

– Equipment preferences (ie cycling, leg-press, sit up bench, rowing activities)

Any other comments you may have in relation to the installation of fitness equipment would also be greatly appreciated. You might choose to use this form to provide your feedback.

Responses would be appreciated by 17 September 2015 and can be forwarded directly to

Notice of Special General Meeting – May 13, 2015


Wednesday 13 May 2015 @ 6.30pm Gungahlin Library
Purpose: To consider and approve, if appropriate, recommended changes to the Constitution of the Gungahlin Community Council as detailed in the Special General Meeting Document (recommended changes highlighted in bold).
The changes are designed to clarify appointment procedures for the Executive Committee, to formalise the obligatory appointment of a Public Officer and to seek to ensure a degree of awareness and involvement in GCC issues and activities by requiring committee nominees to have attended a reasonable number of meetings in the preceding twelve months.

Mixed-use Residential Development at 77-79 Gozzard Street

The POD Projects Group is pleased to announce a new mixed-use residential
development at 77-79 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin (identified as Block 2 and 3,
Section 88). It will be a significant new addition to the vibrancy of the town
centre’s residential population and complement the new light rail transport link.
We welcome the communities input and feedback to the proposal. As part of this
process we will make information available to the Gungahlin Community Council,
hold a ‘drop-in’ session for interested parties as well as make ourselves available
to individuals on an ad-hoc booking basis if necessary.

The project is being designed by Guida Moseley Brown Architects with WSP and
Indesco designing the key engineering infrastructure. The designers have
developed a concept which incorporates significant sustainability features along
with excellent residential amenities.
The project is currently being prepared for a Development Approval submission
in April. The design has been discussed with the planning authority, ACTPLA,
via the pre-application process and is now progressing to the final development
application submission.
The project scope includes ground level commercial office, ground level visitor
parking, two residential apartment buildings of 8 and 14 storeys, and a three level
basement parking arrangement.
The apartments have been designed to include roof gardens and amenities to
complement a contemporary apartment lifestyle. This style of town centre living
is now a well established and highly popular mode of living for so many Canberra
residents. The emphasis is towards a vibrant and affordable lifestyle close to
facilities and transport nodes. This development builds on that vision and aspires
to be a key part of the Gungahlin Town Centre’s community.
Guida Moseley Brown Architects will be available for the ‘drop-in’ information
session and will show the scope of the project as well as answering any
questions from the community.
Community ‘Drop-In’ Information Session:
6pm to 7.30pm Wednesday 1st April, 2015
Training Room 2
Gungahlin Library
Hibberson Street
Gungahlin ACT 2912


Gungahlin Community Council (c) 2014 | PO Box 260, Gungahlin, ACT 2912
25 February 2015
A light rail service between Gungahlin and the city centre would be well patronized according to the results of a community survey released today, with nearly 70 per cent of respondents indicating they would use this form of transport for their work commute.
“We ran this survey because we wanted to hear directly from Gungahlin residents about their needs and concerns,” Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) Vice President, Peter Elford said. “We are very pleased with the strong response we received and how passionate residents are about all Gungahlin has to offer and how we can make it even better in the future. The results will help us establish our priorities, particularly in terms of the issues we take up with the ACT Government on behalf of the community.”

Over 1,300 Gungahlin residents completed the survey and there was significant consensus on a number of issues.

More than 80 per cent of respondents want the maximum height of buildings in the district limited to 10 stories; 90 per cent would like the health care centre upgraded to a nurse walk-in centre; and over three-quarters called for the light rail project to go ahead.

“The questions regarding roads and transport generated the most comments,” Mr Elford revealed. “This is not surprising when you learn that 40 per cent of Gungahlin commuters need to travel into Civic or the Northside and 90 per cent of commuters currently use their own car rather than another form of transport. There is clearly a view that light rail could be a solution to the often slow and congested commute into the city.

“Another major issue is frustration over poor road planning, in particular the fact roads are designed for duplication but not built that way when first constructed. Improved safety measures for the corner of Hibberson Street and Hinder Street would be popular and a majority of respondents would actually like Hibberson Street to be closed to traffic and made into a pedestrian mall”

Gungahlin residents would also like more recreational amenities established in the area. Entertainment services, picnic areas, playgrounds, an indoor sporting centre, a cinema, youth centre and improved services for senior citizens all ranked highly.

“The community wants to be better represented and 85 per cent of respondents were in favour of Gungahlin having its own five seat electorate,” Mr Elford said.

A full copy of the survey results are available at

Media contact: GCC Vice President, Peter Elford 0401 890 387

Proposed Nicholls Housing Development

The ACT Government’s Housing Renewal Taskforce is undertaking a housing development on Kelleway Avenue (Block 17 Section 23), adjacent to the intersection with Oldershaw Court. The development is for a Community Facility of 16 units that can accommodate persons who are older or have a disability. A letter and map has been distributed to nearby residents seeking comments to assist the ACT government in finalising the plans. This will be followed by the normal Development Application and public consultation process. 

Comments should be directed to the contact officer, Ken Williams (, 02 6207 6119).