GCC Public Meeting 10 February

GCC Public Meeting 10 February

The next public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held on Wednesday 10 February 2021 at the Gungahlin Club, 51 Hinder St, Gungahlin at 6.30pm .


  • GCC Update, Peter Elford, GCC
  • Thoroughbred Park Development, Andrew Clark, CEO Canberra Racing Club
  • Consultation on the Canberra Hospital Master Plan, ACT Health
  • A PCYC Facility for Gungahlin, Cheryl O’Donnell, CEO, Canberra Police Community Youth Club

GCC AGM and Public Meeting 2 December

GCC AGM and Public Meeting 2 December

The 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gungahlin Community Council Inc., and December public meeting, will be held in the Gungahlin Club commencing at 6.30pm on Wednesday 2 December 2020. The AGM will be held first.

Persons wishing to attend the AGM are strongly encouraged to sign up as a GCC member (it’s FREE!) as only registered members can vote in the event of an election for a nominated office bearer.

The meeting will be conducted under COVID safe rules in a room that can accommodate 76 persons UPDATED 29/11 – was 38). If you wish to attend, you must book a spot and receive a (free) ticket by clicking on the button below:

Public Meeting


  • GCC Update, President, GCC
  • Gungahlin Police Station Upgrade – Next Steps, Troy Roberts, AFP Association
  • A PCYC Facility for Gungahlin, Cheryl O’Donnell, CEO, Canberra Police Community Youth Club
  • Community Consultation for New Development – Blocks 3 & 4 Section 248 Gungahlin, Canberra Town Planning

Annual General Meeting

All committee positions will be declared vacant and nominations for all positions are required: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Officer and Committee Members (up to five) – as the Constitution allows for a maximum of 10 members of the committee. You must be a registered GCC member to nominate for an executive committee position (signup as a member).


A person is eligible for membership of the Council if the person is at least 16 years of age and one of:

(a) lives in the Gungahlin district;
(b) owns property in the Gungahlin district;
(c) works in the Gungahlin district;
(d) conducts a business in the Gungahlin district; or
(e) has been duly appointed to represent a social organisation or interest group servicing the Gungahlin district.

A person is not eligible to nominate to be an Office-Bearer of the Council if the person is;

(a) an Executive Officer of a registered political party;
(b) a person employed by a registered political party;
(c) a registered candidate for a forthcoming election; or
(d) an elected member of the ACT Legislative Assembly or any Parliament or a person who has been pre-selected or has nominated for a forthcoming election to any of the aforementioned bodies; or
(e) an office bearer in a commercial or industrial lobby group registered with the Federal or ACT Government.

Nominations should be sent by emailing a completed NOMINATION FORM to the Secretary (secretary@gcc.asn.au) no later than 6.00 pm Wednesday 25 November 2020. All nominations will be acknowledged by return email.

If nominating another person, please ensure that your nomination is acceptable to them. If you know someone who may be interested in the work of the Gungahlin Community Council, please pass this information on to them.

AGM Agenda

1. Opening and welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of previous AGM held on 11 December 2019
4. Presentation of President’s Report for 2019-20120
5. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report (Financial Reports & Auditor’s Statement)

6. Appointment of Public Officer
7. Election of office bearers & general committee members for 2019-2020.
8. General Business

GCC Public Meeting 11 November

The November public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 11 November 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook via the GCC Facebook page. Attendees are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting. Please REGISTER HERE and you will be emailed the link needed to join the Zoom meeting.


GCC Public Meeting 14 October


The October public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 14 October 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook via the GCC Facebook page. Attendees are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting. Please REGISTER HERE and you will be emailed the link needed to join the Zoom meeting.


GCC ACT Election Forum 9 September

The next GCC public meeting will be an ACT Election Forum to be held on Wednesday 9 September starting at 6:30pm. The Forum will be for candidates in the ACT seat of Yerrabi and will be conducted online using Zoom and live streamed on the GCC’s Facebook page. The aim of the Forum is to provide residents of Gungahlin a chance to identify and hear from candidates for the ACT seat of Yerrabi.

To join the the Forum, please REGISTER beforehand to receive the meeting details via email.

All parties registered for the ACT Election have been invited to attend, and all candidates have been asked to provide written answers to simple questions about Gungahlin ahead of the Forum. Candidate responses can be found at ACT Election 2020 Yerrabi Candidates Summary. The aim of this simple Q&A is to provide a succinct, Gungahlin-centric, “upfront” view of all candidates to assist residents in forming questions.

Candidates have also been sent a copy of the GCC’s ACT Election 2020 Expectations  which outlines the GCC’s understanding of what’s important to Gungahlin residents.


  1. Welcome and Introductions, Forum Host, Peter Elford, GCC
  2. Candidate Introductions, Yerrabi Candidates (3-4 minutes each)
  3. Open Question and Answers

If you have pre-prepared questions, please email them to the GCC prior to the event. Questions should be directed to specific candidates, to a specific party, or able to be answered with a show of hands. If a question is directed to a party that is represented by multiple candidates, only one candidate will be asked by the host to respond.

The aim of this Forum structure is to maximise the Q&A time – we are aiming for an hour of candidates speaking, and an hour of Q&A – ending at 8:30pm.



GCC Public Meeting 12 August

The August public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 12 August 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook on the GCC Facebook pages. Attendess are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting. Please REGISTER HERE and you will be emailed the link needed to join the Zoom meeting.


  • Current GCC Activities, Peter Elford, GCC
  • Community Services in Gungahlin, Suzanne Orr, Yerrabi MLA, Minister for Community Services
  • Gungahlin Tennis Facilities, Kim Kachel, Tennis ACT CEO
  • Rotary Gungahlin Initiatives, Sandra GoldStraw, President, Rotary Club of Gungahlin
  • The DESIGN Canberra Festival in Gungahlin, Kate Nixon, Program Director, Craft ACT

GCC Public Meeting 8 July

The July public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 8 July 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook on the GCC Facebook pages. Attendess are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting. Please REGISTER HERE and you will be emailed the link needed to join the Zoom meeting.


  • Current GCC Activities, Peter Elford, GCC
  • Update on DHA Office Building and Cinema, Kieran Fordham, Lockbridge (short)
  • Update on Gungahlin Crematorium, Alannah Gibbon, Marketing and Communications Officer (short)
  • Gold Creek Homestead Sale Process, Throsby Community Garden & other Mingle updates in Gungahlin, Natalie Bishop, Suburban Land Agency
  • Bus Network 19 Update, Peter Steele, Transport Canberra

GCC Public Meeting 10 June

The June public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 10 June 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook on the GCC Facebook pages. Attendess are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting – please email us (info@gcc.asn.au) and we will send you the link needed to join the meeting.


  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and Small Businesses – An Overview of  What Assistance is Available, Graham Catt, CEO, Canberra Business Chamber
  • Results from GCC Survey 2019, Peter Elford, GCC President
  • ACT Election Focus Areas, Peter Elford, GCC President

GCC Public Meeting May 13

The May public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 13 May 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook on both the MyGungahlin Facebook and GCC Facebook pages. Attendess are strongly encouraged to join the Zoom virtual room meeting – please email us (info@gcc.asn.au) and we will send you the link needed to join the meeting.


  • Sport and Recreation Facilities in Gungahlin, Yvette Berry, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Deputy Chief Minister
  • New Retail Options in Gungahlin – The Transformation of the Home Hardware Site, Richard Swinburne, Argus Property
  • New Development Application for The Establishment (formerly Air Towers), Peter Elford, GCC President

GCC Public Meeting April 8

The April public meeting of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) will be held online at 6.30pm on Wednesday 8 April 2020. There will be a virtual meeting room running on the Zoom application, and this will be live streamed on Facebook on both the MyGungahlin Facebook and GCC Facebook pages. If you wish to join the Zoom virtual room meeting, please email us (info@gcc.asn.au) and we will send you the link needed to join the meeting.


  • Gungahlin Policing, Troy Roberts, Australian Federal Police Association
  • ACT Government Response to COVID-19, Dr. Paul Dugdale, Public Health Physician (Duty Chief Health Officer)
  • Coping with COVID-19: The Lifeline Experience, Tracey McMahon, Lifeline