Gungahlin Community Survey 2019

Do the survey by clicking on this link

Or start the survey by clicking on the picture!

It’s been 5 years since the last GCC Community Survey so with an ACT election coming up, the GCC wants to know how Gungahlin residents live, work, play and learn, and how they would like Gungahlin to develop.

Please share this link with your friends! The more people that do the survey, the more compelling the results will be for the ACT government and our MLAs.

For those that are keen, you might want to have a look at a summary of the results from the 2014 Survey.


Gungahlin Cinema Community Information Session 13/9/19

[ Posted on behalf of Canberra Town Planning by the GCC ]

The proponents of the Gungahlin Cinema project are hosting a community information session open to all residents:

BETWEEN 5:30PM – 7:30PM

PLEASE NOTE – this is the same night and in the same venue as the November GCC Public Meeting which starts at 6:30pm – we would hope to see you there.

The proposed design for the cinema complex comprises a two (2) storey commercial building that includes:

  • Three ground level retail / commercial spaces,
  • Ground level car parking spaces, including four accessible spaces
  • A ground level cinema foyer leading to a cinema on the second level containing 8 Cinema screens
  • New driveways and upgrades to adjacent footpaths and lighting.

The proposed design for the office development will feature:

  • Five ground floor retail spaces
  • Two floors of commercial office space
  • Ground floor lobby, services, bicycle end of trip facilities and car parking spaces
  • Basement car parking
  • Upgrades to adjacent footpaths and lighting.

To help ensure the surrounding community is involved in the development process, the project team is undertaking a program of consultation to engage with neighbouring organisations, residents, and other key local stakeholders.

The proponent has been undertaking ongoing community consultation in relation to the Cinema proposal over the past four years. Shortly, a Community Information Session is to be held whereby members of the community can attend to view preliminary designs and provide input. The feedback gained from this process will inform the project design before it is submitted for Development Approval.


GCC Budget Submission 2020-21

The ACT government conducts an annual consultation process as part of the formulation of the budget for the upcoming financial year. The GCC’s submission for the 2020-21 year highlighted transport infrastructure and the need to attract more employment to Gungahlin, particularly in the town centre.

Executive Summary


  1. Further investments are required to alleviate over-crowding on Light Rail, to complete the duplication of all of Horse Park Drive (between Roden Cutler Drive and Gungahlin Drive), and to undertake a review and analysis of the road network within Gungahlin to ensure it will meet the needs of the completed district.
  2. The GCC is seeking the ACT government’s support to develop a unique value proposition and incentives to create substantial employment opportunities in Gungahlin


  1. The GCC asks that the ACT government prioritise the activation of the Yerrabi Pond area by providing rubbish bins and lighting, and improving maintenance, of this heavily used park.
  2. Additional Light Rail services need to be provided to capture the demand being presented by Gungahlin residents. Investments are also needed to improve the usability of Light Rail, including bike and ride and kiss and ride facilities at the Gungahlin terminus.
  3. The new bus network has significantly degraded services between Gungahlin and Belconnen. This needs to be addressed.
  4. The GCC asks that government provide midwife services at the Gungahlin Walk-In Health Centre consistent with the very young family demographic of the Gungahlin district.


This submission to the 2020-21 ACT budget process is on behalf of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC). It is informed through the activities of the GCC, including public meetings, newsletters, social media and face to face dialogues, and through the expertise, knowledge and experience of the GCC executive[1].


As might be expected in an area that is growing rapidly[2] [3], the provision of adequate transport and services are the issues of greatest importance for Gungahlin residents and hence the GCC.

Like all the suburban greenfield districts of Canberra, Gungahlin has undergone over twenty years of continuous construction and development. At different stages some of the basic infrastructure to support this development has lagged, notably between about 2005-2015 when the capacity of the Gungahlin arterial road network was inadequate. Since this period, there have been significant investments in the transport infrastructure to service Gungahlin, including the (partial) duplication of Horse Park Drive, the (ongoing) duplication of Gundaroo Drive and the construction of Light Rail.

These investments have greatly improved transport to and from Gungahlin, but further investments are required to alleviate over-crowding on Light Rail, to complete the duplication of all of Horse Park Drive (between Roden Cutler Drive and Gungahlin Drive) [1], and to undertake a review and analysis of the road network within Gungahlin to ensure it will meet the needs of the completed district. This review should include examining better synchronisation of traffic lights and the duplication/addition of slips lanes on

  • Clarrie Hermes Drive [2],
  • Gungahlin Drive West of Gundaroo Drive [3],
  • Mirrabei Drive [4], and
  • Gundaroo Drive North of Mirrabei Drive [5].

Further, Gungahlin faces a unique challenge compared to other districts. Although Gungahlin will begin 2020 with a population of approximately 80,000 – the third largest district in Canberra (after Belconnen and Tuggeranong) and roughly the same size as North and South Canberra combined – there are proportionally very few jobs located in Gungahlin[1]. This places significant strain on transport infrastructure, reduces the amenity and accessibility of Gungahlin, and dampens the development of businesses and services within the Gungahlin region. This issue will not be addressed through a “wait and see” approach based on standard market forces.

The GCC is seeking the ACT government’s support to develop a unique value proposition and incentives to create substantial employment opportunities in Gungahlin. The objective would be to generate a return on the investment in Gungahlin generally, and on investments like Light Rail specifically, and to capture the opportunity of the remaining greenfield development opportunities. Proposed changes to the Gungahlin Town Centre Precinct Code (Draft Variation 364[1]), that reduce the amount of space available for commercial/core developments undermine this goal.

Important Issues

Activation of Public Spaces

Gungahlin has a number of green, open and community spaces that are underused because of a lack of maintenance and utility. This includes the lack of rubbish bins and the services to empty them, adequate lighting to ensure public safety and adequate parking to enable access to these areas. The GCC asks that the ACT government prioritise the activation of the Yerrabi Pond area by providing rubbish bins and lighting, and improving maintenance, of this heavily used park.

Public Transport

The Light Rail services has proven to be extremely popular and is now very congested in the early morning. Additional Light Rail services need to be provided to capture the demand being presented by Gungahlin residents. Investments are also needed to improve the usability of Light Rail are required, including bike and ride and kiss and ride facilities at the Gungahlin terminus.

The new bus network has significantly degraded services between Gungahlin and Belconnen. This needs to be addressed.

Health Care

The GCC asks that government provide midwife services at the Gungahlin Walk-In Health Centre consistent with the very young family demographic of the Gungahlin district.


Peter Elford

President, GCC

1st November, 2019


[1] There is very little specific data readily available to support this observation, but based on a simple count of office buildings it’s clearly true.

[1] Appendix A

Gungahlin Community Council 2018-19
President, Peter Elford
Vice President, Henley Samuel
Secretary, Sharee Schultz
Treasurer, David Pollard
Public Officer Ke, vin Cox
General Committee, Prasad Tipireni
General Committee, Ralitsa Dimitrova
General Committee, Darron Marks
General Committee, Luke Hadfield



Next GCC Meeting is November 13


  • Gungahlin Police Update, Rod Anderson
  • Franklin Grasslands, Geoff Robertson, President, Friends of Grasslands
  • Canberra Hindu Mandir Temple, Dr Krishna Nadimpalli
  • Meet Your MLA – Alistair Coe, Leader of Opposition, Yerrabi MLA

Next GCC Meeting is October 9

Gold Creek Homestead Community Panel

[ Invitation From the ACT Government’s Suburban Land Agency ]

An Invitation | Expression of Interest
Community Panel for Ngunnawal’s Gold Creek Homestead Precinct

• Do you live near to the Gold Creek Homestead?
• Want to have a say in the future of the site?

*map is indicative only

Gold Creek Homestead is bounded by Monty Place and Gungahlin Drive. A diverse panel of approximately 20 participants is sought to represent local residents and organisations, in particular those in proximity to the site and with an interest in the Gold Creek Homestead to inform the non-financial site objectives and development principles in preparation for the sale of land in the first half of 2020.

Community Panel members will work collaboratively in a workshop setting with an independent engagement expert, Suburban Land Agency and specialist consultants.

What’s involved?

Community Panel members will need to be available for four workshops (likely Saturday mornings) between 19 October and 30 November 2019. Each workshop will be approximately 5 hours. In addition, there is expected to be pre-reading of materials.

Community Panel members will be renumerated a nominal fee for their time participating in the workshops.

To express your interest in being involved, please email with Gold Creek EOI Community Panel in the subject line or call 02 6205 0600 by COB 1 October 2019 (5.00pm) & tell us why you are interested in getting involved.

Original Invitation PDF Letter from Suburban Land Agency.

Next GCC Meeting is August 14






10 am to 3pm


Invitation to participate

The National Trust (ACT) is very excited to be going back to Gungahlin Homestead for the 2019 National Trust Heritage Festival Open Day.

The Open Day is on Saturday 13 April – the opening day of the Canberra and Region Heritage Festival.  Note that this is the week before Easter and the start of school holidays.  We will be open to the public from 10 am to 3 pm.

We are very pleased that CSIRO, as the main lessee of the site, has agreed to this event, subject to some provisions including no animals on the site.  We will again be partnering with Soldier On, which currently occupies the Homestead and other buildings.  They will benefit from the gold coin donation for entry and also conducting activities on site.

As well as tours of the Homestead, there will be stalls, entertainment and refreshments available.  Our focus is on craftspeople, collectors and other non-profit organisations.  We are always happy to have new groups at the Open Day so any local groups interested in participating can contact me.

Gungahlin Homestead is not often open to the public and at our Open Day there in 2017, we had a very big, and unanticipated, crowd!  This led to issues about access to the tours of the homestead and in 2019 we will be issuing tickets for tours.  After collecting a ticket, people will be able to wander around, visit stalls and enjoy the entertainment while they wait for their tour.

Please contact me for more information.  Let me know by the end of January, if you want to be part of the 2019 Open Day.   This will enable us to include you in the promotion of the Open Day through the Heritage Festival publication.


Mary Johnston

Chair, Tours and Events Committee

National Trust (ACT)

Fresh Funk Gungahlin


Fresh Funk is excited to be offering classes in Gungahlin!

Join us in 2019 for music and dance traditions in our brand new dance class for kids in Gungahlin.

Fresh Funk’s ‘Around the World’ dance class is for parents & children aged 18 months – 3 years.

The 45 minute class is held on Thursday mornings from 9.45am – 10:30am at the Gungahlin Community Centre.

The 10-week term will commence on Thursday 7 February, 2019.


Children 18-months to 3 years


Thursday mornings commencing, 7 February, 2019.


Contact us via the form on this page or on (02) 6293 1443. Please note: all enrolments MUST be discussed with the Fresh Funk director to confirm availability of places and determine suitable levels.


Gungahlin Community Centre, 47 Ernest Cavanagh Street, Gungahlin ACT

Why has there been no progress on the Gungahlin cinema complex ?

Perhaps the question the GCC gets asked the most is “what’s happening with the Gungahlin cinema ?”

Although the development was approved way back March, 2017 there has been no sign of construction starting. ABC Radio reported earlier this week that it’s been held up by legal action … and here are some details prepared by the ABC:

Gungahlin residents were promised a cinema, and it is coming… eventually.

The block of the land is there however there’s a legal dispute currently in the Supreme Court. An injunction was put on the developers by a cinema operator, United Cinemas, and any development on the land has been blocked ever since.

Here’s the simplest way to explain the argument: United Cinemas allege they had an agreement with someone acting on behalf of the developers (Gungahlin Lifestyle), who then opted to go with another cinema operator instead. The developers say that man wasn’t acting on their behalf.

The case will be in court next month, where hopefully there’s more clarity around what’s happening.

Please remember that this matter is within the Supreme Court at the moment.

For those who are interested in a more comprehensive explanation and more background, here is a public document about the case from 2016.

Within the next month we should know more …