Do the survey by clicking on this link
It’s been 5 years since the last GCC Community Survey so with an ACT election coming up, the GCC wants to know how Gungahlin residents live, work, play and learn, and how they would like Gungahlin to develop.
Please share this link with your friends! The more people that do the survey, the more compelling the results will be for the ACT government and our MLAs.
For those that are keen, you might want to have a look at a summary of the results from the 2014 Survey.
Large community hall to celebrate various festivals,
Day care for elders from different backgrounds with transport facilities including pick up to and from home, light activities to prevent social isolation and loneliness. Language specific carers needed for community care including home visit or care
Breast screening clinic in Gungahlin
Specialist clinics
Eye clinic
Sorry my list is big
Thanks for your input! Have you done the survey to make sure your views are captured in the survey ? Just click
Regarding aged care. I live in the over 55 residential village in Monty Place Ngunnawal
We the residents and their families would like to see the Gold Creek Homestead site become hostel/nursing home built on that site in the near future. There are 162 villas at The Grove, with mostly couples plus singles residing there. There will come a time when we will all need some sort of nursing care so the site next door is an obvious choice, so that families can be kept in the same vicinity as their need for higher care is needed.
Hi Sandra – Thanks for your input! Have you done the survey to make sure your views are captured in the survey ? Just click Independently of the survey, the GCC has been participating in the Gold Creek Homestead Community Panel (which includes residents from The Grove) to produce a Precinct Development Brief for the site which will guide future development. More broadly, the GCC is working with the Planning Directorate and other agencies to ensure that Gungahlin does not miss out on residential aged-care and other community facilities.
Am aware of the planning agency etc., for Gold Creek homestead.
Am hoping the development of hostel plus high care will be built there. There is a definite need for this kind of care facility in Gungahlin. Planning need to be fairly specialised to the comfort and security of the elderly that reside at the Grove, safety should be paramount to the local residents.
Sandra Smith
Thanks for your comments Sandra – the GCC supports the establishment of aged care facilities in Gungahlin, ideally in multiple locations.
Guys, your survey links are sending people to this page, but where is the link to actually do the survey? is the image a button? if so, you might want to make that more clear in the labelling of the button, or in the text on the page. cheers Liv
Hi Olivia – thanks for your feedback. This text is in the middle of the page … “You can do the survey online by clicking here, or on the picture above.” … but I will move that up the the page so it’s more obvious. Thanks.
Hi Olivia – Does that look better ?
Question 5 – I think answer 1 should say ‘100% residential in the town centre’ and answer 5 should say ‘100% business and community services’.
It’s great you want to gather lots of information from people, but generally your survey is too long, you won’t get many people filling this in entirely.
You had 21 questions, I didn’t count the pages.
Hi James – thanks for taking the time to do the survey … and I will work with our survey guru on Q5. We know we are asking residents to spend a bit of time on this, but the value of the data we get cannot be under-estimated. It gives us much-needed credibility and confidence in our advocacy with the ACT government directorates and MLAs. And it’s OK if you don’t answer every question. BTW, we have had 479 responses since we launched in mid-November … and a really wonderful number of people providing comments (for example, on Q5 we have 22 comments … and nearly 200 comments on each of the road duplication and public transport topics!!).
Where are the results of this survey? Have they been released for comment yet? Why are people quoting from them if they are unavailable?
They are here