Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 13 September 2017

GCC Community Meeting 13 September 2017, Gungahlin Library (6:30 – 8:30 pm)

Chair: Peter Elford (President)

Attendees: see attendance log

Agenda item 1: Gungahlin Town Planning Refresh – Helena Seagrove

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Helena provided a presentation (slides on website) on the outcomes of the Gungahlin Town Centre planning Refresh Community consultation which started in March 2017.  The community consultation report is due to be released shortly however key messages included:

  • General support for up to 10 storeys in some locations  in Gungahlin east and lower else where. (935 survey responses, removed survey results where multiple inputs came from one IP address)
  • Introduce more greenery into town centre

Development Approvals in process in precinct 2b will be assessed against the old code but the results of community consultation will be kept in mind.  Key questions from the meeting included:

  • How do we adjust everything else around development occurring in precinct 2b. I.e. Accept approvals have happened, how do we adjust education etc to take into account the density in this area..
  • Looking for confidence that future code will not allow buildings in excess of 10 stories.  Will have a second consultation on next planning code.  Need to deliver code with criteria locked down

Agenda item 2: Third infinity tower – Purdon Planning and Stewart Architecture

Developers presented on proposed amendments to the original DA which was approved in 2014/15 for the third infinity tower which was for a 14 storey building with 122 units.

The new proposal is for the same height, more basement car parking, continuation of retail frontage, roof-top garden and potentially up to 172 units. Key questions/issues raised during the presentation included:

  • What benefit to community from development? Developers put something into the area (eg park across the road) access across the road? What are developers giving back to the community? Answer – Reduced podium, commercial space.
  • Have not considered commercial space (despite original planning) saw mainly as retail opportunity
  • Car park arrangements for retail business? Relying on car park already on road and verge

Agenda item 3: ACT Climate Change

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Anna and Catherine Quinan presented the ACT Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.  Following signing of contracts to provide 100% renewable energy by 2020, the next big challenge will be addressing transport. Examining electric bus trial and expanding infrastructure for hydrogen car trial.  General questions included:

  • How can we achieve 100% without grid level storage – we have purchased equivalent but can’t always guarantee.
  • Have you considered off river pumped hydro as storage – off river – Arralewan- might be a possibility
  • Transport Canberra letting you down – bus drivers leave buses running whilst having breaks. Brought up with action, need to look
  • Energy team looking into grid resilience
  • Cost of energy – recent price increases were due to national energy market.
  • Solar farms taking up green space. Expensive for individual households to put on roofs. Could at grid level use a lot of roof space instead of taking up green space.

Agenda item 4: ACT Government update – Meegan Fitzharris MLA


Looking at how to redesign whole network for when LR becomes operational. There will be another network change in March as a trial for when LR. Will be quite a lot of community engagement around this change. Services to new suburbs will be considered in March.

Franklin early childhood school – mixed views on whether Franklin should expand across all years or expand as a larger early childhood school. ALP commited to expand but is agnostic about which way and will follow the community’s wishes.

Nurse walk-in centre – Have funded early work for Gungahlin walk in centre in this year’s budget. Expect to be operational in second half of 2018.  Need to be a conversation with GPs in the area about how to integrate walk in centre with local health services. Ideas include have a fracture clinic. Prevention – eg pre screening for diabetes.

Mirrabei drive – turning intersection into signals, creating a new south-bound lane from Paul Coe lane.

Planning changes around precinct – need to be more opportunities for public realm improvement. Keen to explore that during refresh.

Horse park drive – Works were split to suit the local market capacity  Also difficulties in doing that particular stretch to the federal highway which has led to delays.

Mental health – The Canberra Hospital mental health unit can’t provide long term care.  Shane Rattenbury establishing office of mental health.

Top of hibberson street  Ongoing work to promote businesses to mitigate impact of hoardings. Barriers will come down in December.

LR performing well against project plan however next 12 months is the challenging part of the project as integrating into traffic signals. Talking to businesses in Mitchell. – meeting with them on Friday.

Active travel

  • Cycle parking on LR vehicles. Six spots where you can hang bike. Can also bring more bikes onto the vehicle.
  • Sweeping schedule for majura as on road cycle path often has debris- will pass that on
  • Need to bring bike paths into town centre.
  • Is there some to put in cyclist path early to feed into Majura parkway?

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 9 August 2017

GCC Community Meeting 9 August 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:30 pm)

Chair: Henley Samuels (Vice-president).

Attendees: see attendance log

[ Formal minutes in preparation ]

Agenda item 1: Future Land Releases – Simon Tenant  – Director, Land Development Projects, EPSDD

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Agenda item 2: Gold Creek Homestead – Chris Wain – National Trust of Australia


Agenda item 3: Public Housing Renewal in Gungahlin – Paul Lewis, Public Housing Renewal Task Force

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Agenda item 4: Air Towers Development Update – Elizabeth and Nathan Judd, Judd Studio (representing Empire Global)

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Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 14 June 2017

GCC Community Meeting 14 June 2017 (Forde Community Centre 6:30 – 8:30 pm)

Chair: Henley Samuels (Vice-president).

Attendees: see attendance log

Agenda item 1: David Matthews – Transport Canberra – Review of Gungahlin Bus Services

David Matthews provided a slide presentation (available on website) on Gungahlin bus services. Of note were:

  • Current usage – High level of usage along Flemington road, route 200 most popular whilst route 255 experiencing greatest growth
  • Bus services affect 12-15 minutes by road works
  • expansion of rapid services including green (Woden to city) and Black (Gungahlin to Belconnen) which is due to start in the second half of 2017.
  • Transport Canberra planned to make minor timetable adjustments in second half of 2017 to account for road work delays.
  • Works currently underway for Gungahlin Place New bus interchange which is expected to be completed late January 2018. The city bound bus stop will move from its temporary position back to Hibberson Street in August 2017 before moving to its final place in Gungahlin place when the new interchange opens.

Questions asked, and responses were as follows:

    • When could new suburbs (Moncrief, Taylor and Jacka) expect services.  Response was fleet is at capacity with only limited opportunity to introduce changes in second half 2017. More opportunity existed in 2018.


  • Concern about park and rides ( number of spots, proximity and permanency) – taken on notice
  • Concern about level of consultation with the new bus terminal and works on Hibberson st – taken on notice


  • What services will be removed when light rail commences and how will TC mitigate impacts will arise. – buses need to provide the services to connect LR and increase patronage. Light rail will free up 1.2 million kilometres. There are also 80 new buses being procured.
  • Gizzard to valley avenue is extremely busy – us in traffic controllers
  • Status of electric bus trial – out to tender for second time –  announcement expected very shortly.
  • Movement of driver respite on top of Anthony Rolfe – TC is looking for alternatives.
  • Connection of Casey market town – TC is examining how this could be done.
  • Time frame for when bus routes integrate into light rail – begin community consultation before end of 2017 and into early 2018 for substantial network changes to occur once light rail is operational.
  • Election commitment for a trial bus from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong – Currently no spare capacity in fleet. Earliest opportunity will be in Second half of 2017. Need to understand from community demand more.

Agenda item 2: Senator the Hon. Zed Selselja – Relocation of Commonwealth agency to Gungahlin

Zed updated the council on his election commitment to relocate small to medium agency (between 300-600 staff) from the Parliamentary triangle to Gungahlin. This was a frustratingly slow process, the agency had been identified but couldn’t be announced. Department of Finance was currently consulting with the agency’s senior management. Expecting after internal processes are complete a procurement process will commence in second half of 2017 for office space in Gungahlin. Given the Commonwealth tends to sign reasonably long leases he expected this would be a long term arrangement.

Question was asked about the lack of infrastructure spending in Canberra.  Zed highlighted Barton highway and Monaro highway are important infrastructure projects. The .$500 public service modernisation fund would involve expenditure in Canberra on ICT and infrastructure. Also massive increase in health spending in CBR from health budget.

Agenda item 3: CSIRO Land development

CSIRO announced it anticipated first land sales to occur 2021-2022. They have completed ecological studies which are now available on their web site and have listed additional buffers zones (200 out of 700 hectares) for preservation. Site will be an overall net negative carbon emitter. 10% of dwellings will be affordable housing

Currently conducting stock take of CSIRO skills to develop a science plan on how to use Ginninderra site as a lab for future urban development. Plans to pass on expertise to ACT government. Planned timeframes for the CSIRO’s release have been communicated to the ACT government

Agenda item 4: ACTEWAGL

ACTEWAGL presented on a number of recent faults that had blacked out significant parts of Gungahlin at peak times. Gungahlin’s network includes overhead (mainly on feeders getting to suburbs) and underground (more reliable but harder to identify and repair faults). The recent faults has arisen because of:

  • Equipment failure – one occurrence
  • Network damage from a third party
  • Fault in one of the switch gears
  • Network protection faults – two
  • Damage next to primary school – was a planned outage which they deferred till 2200

He noted that power might go on and off when switching network load

ACTEWAGL has fixed the faults and put on hold capital upgrades at centre hub until end of winter period which means they have redundancy and would reduce the number of households impacted should something happen. Will start community consultation in July on 5 year maintenance plan.

Questions and responses included:

  • Is Gungahlin’s network collapsing or are these random – average across Canberra is very good.  Gungahlin is performing well except for past 6 weeks
  • Question about quality of cables – Mixed depending on age. Some cables 25 years old – 50% through life span
  • Feedback that ACTEWAGL did not use social media as well as they could in network outages. ACTEWGL agreed that information provided could have been more honest and more direct. Ngunnawal outage could have been handled better
  • Compensation for lack of services, particularly for appliances damaged during random on and off sending power down lines. Not required to provide compensation
  • Investigating bring in more feeders – annual planning report looks into future load growth. As Gungahlin grows need to strengthen network
  • Objections to price rises – invited to provide feedback to ACTEWAGL forums.
  • Why were prices rising when ACT government was signing fixed price renewable energy contracts? – not able to answer

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Meeting – GCC Community Meeting 10 May 2017

GCC Community Meeting 10 May 2017 Gungahlin Library (6:30 – 8:30 pm)

Chair: Peter Elford (president).


Live streaming views:

Apologies: Nil

Agenda item 1: Rod Anderson Australian Federal Police – ACT Policing

Rod Anderson presented on means that community can engage with ACT Police and highlighted crime stoppers as the primary means to report crime.

Crime rates in Gungahlin no different to other areas of ACT.  Have seen increase in property and cyber crime.  Seen reduction of car theft, and certain types of property crimes. Advised to putting car keys somewhere less obvious when at home. ACT police have a website that shows crime types by suburb. Have re-energised school liaison program.

Questions raised include:

  • Relations and cooperation with other parts of Canberra and NSW regions – Yass and Queanbeyan.  Relations are good. Police based in Gungahlin tend to live locally.
  • There are points of contact for particular suburbs.
  • Response performance measure, Priority 1 is within 10 minutes for life threatening, priority 2 within 20 minutes and priority 3 within 24-48 hours
  • Police volunteers – usually in front office, are JPs and provide general advice. But also provide other assistance as required.

Agenda item 2:  Donella Johnston, SEE-Change Canberra

Donella Johnston presented on SEE-Change which is about creating more sustainable communities through reducing ecological footprint. Earth is able to support 1.7 global hectares per person, Canberra’s use is 8.9 global hectares.  SEE-Change is a community based not for profit organisation. SEE-Change Gungahlin established 2015 and has multiple programs (including transition streets) available to develop social and environmental outcomes for neighbourhoods.

Questions raised include

  • Clarification on the global hectares and why Canberra’s figures were so high.  Canberra is an affluent city so hence consumes more, drives more etc.
  • Extensive relationships with other environmental groups and Sustainable planning an environment directorate

Agenda item 3: Emma Davidson, Deputy CEO Womens Centre for Health Matters ACT

Community organisation that receives ACT funding.Wish to talk about safety mapping initiative where residents are invited to provide feedback on where people feel safe and unsafe. Emma presented some results including

  • To date 32 results for Gungahlin which is about half as that received from Haigh park.
  • 50% of reports are for Town centre – vast majority were about public parks or where people may congregate
  • 2 reports of where they were feeling safe which is a normal ratio of reporting. Do encourage people to report where they do feel safe as this is a useful comparison.
  • Majority of reports are from women.If action taken to make women feel safe that will tend to make all sections of the community feel safe
  • Main themes of comments are dodgy and dark.  Graffiti and litter also make people feel unsafe.
  • Some of the areas people felt unsafe – around Yerrabi Pond (due to poor lighting), near Gungahlin Lakes (poor lighting), cyclists reported particular areas on or near ramps.

Questions raised include:

  • Would the government usually light an area at popular walking paths such as around Yerrabi Pond? Not sure at policy but people are reporting this.  If the space is attractive then positive cycle and space used even more.
  • Visibility is important for feelings of safety. Existing and planned noise barriers may have an impact on safety (as they also block visibility) – need more data to confirm.
  • Very little relationship between where people feel unsafe versus where crime is occurring. Just because there are no crime statistics doesn’t mean people don’t feel safe.

Initiative is ongoing and will feed back to community regularly.

Agenda item 4: other Business

  • My Gungahlin provided a brief on the success of the Celebrate Gungahlin.
  • Questions about large residential towers in precinct 2b.  GCC raised with ACT Government which is now undertaking town centre planning refresh. Reality is 3 projects of over 10 stories have been approved which can’t be anything further done. One currently in process and 2 more proposed. The air towers is of greatest concern given its proximity to two story residential areas and may be overly optimistic.

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 12 April 2017

GCC Community Meeting 12 April 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Chair: Peter Elford (president).


Live streaming views:

Apologies: Nil

Agenda item 1: Gungahlin town centre planning refresh

Gary Rake Deputy Director-General, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development provided an update on the Gungahlin town centre planning refresh.

Demographics of respondents demonstrate good representations across gender, age and types of households. So far have received 830 responses with approximately coming from a duplicate IP address. Themes identified thus far include:

  • 52% of respondents access the town centre 1-2 times a week, 37% daily
  • Information
  • 80% drive to the town centre
  • Quality of buildings (both in design and construction) was a concern
  • Young demographics want more green spaces
  • 80% wanted to see taller buildings

Following the closing of the survey EPSD will conduct data validation and then present the results within a number of weeks.  In some months a proposal will be put out for further consultation prior to being codified via a territory plan variation. Mr Rake expects that due to the pace of change in Gungahlin there will likely be a requirement to review within the next decade.

Agenda item 2: Transport Canberra Road update

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Fleur Flanery from Transport Canberra provide a presentation (available via website) on seven projects currently underway in the Gungahlin region.  Discussions occurred on the following specific items:

  1. Ernest Cavanagh Street – needs to sequenced first to support light rail project
  2. Valley Avenue – to support routing of buses and cars with the closure of Hibberson Street. This item created disccusion in light of recent changes, congestion and the use of Marshalls at intersection of Gizzard and Valley avenues.  There is no intention to put temporary traffic lights.  Transport Canberra is aware of the problems and monitoring.
  3. Hibberson street – plan to consult in mid 2017 on changes.
  4. Horse park – Stage 1 will finish May 17, will then commence following stages almost concurrently. Sulfate soils between Wells station and Federal highway have delayed commencement of works on this stage.

Concerns were raised during the meeting about duplication of Horse Park Drive between Taylor and Moncrief. This led into extended debate about the optimal timing of investment in road infrastructure, most effective use of capital and duplication of works. The view of the meeting was that the community lacked confidence in the Government to provide road infrastructure in a timely fashion to meet Gungahlin’s increasing population and that it always seemed to be behind the curve.

A concern was raised about the park and ride facility being over capacity and requesting the ACT government to examine options including boom gates or permits.  Mr Gary Rake promised to look into the issue and come back to the Council with proposal.

Agenda item 3:  Karl Cloos Roads ACT

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Karl Cloos, Roads ACT, provided a brief on the process to plan future road projects (presentation available on website). Pertinent points or outcomes included:

  • Barton highway intersection  – initial data is showing less accidents.
  • Gary Rake stated the government would examine whether traffic data could be released on an open data platform.
  • A question was raised about the impact of the CSIRO site redevelopment, Gary Rake said he was working with CSIRO on this issue and that there would be an agreed amount of funds set aside for infrastructure investments to support the development.
  • The presentation included a map of works proposed for the next 2-5 years which included Nudurr Drive and William Slim Drive. Unfortunately this plan does not take into account the number of residential units being constructed in precinct 2b.

Agenda item 4: Purdon planning consultation on Lot 2 of 59

Richard???, Purdon Planning, proponent for Lot 2 of 59 on Anthony Rolfe Drive (currently a dirt car park behind Community and Family Centre) which is listed for Community Facilities under the Town Plan, wished to consult on proposed uses of the site. He wished to explore the possibility of a mixed use facility, with the first two stories being for community facility whilst the remainder (totalling six stories) for another use. The meeting’s general view was residential was not supported but the following ideas for community facility included: a work hub, tech college, CIT, men’s shed, headspace, mental health out-patient, artist congregation point, training facility provider, and CALMS clinic.

Next Step will be for Purdon Planning to approach ACTPLA and request for scope for planning report to change precinct code and territory plan.  Gary Rake recommend that this be drawn into the Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Refresh if possible.

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 8 March 2017

GCC Community Meeting – 8 March 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Chair: Peter Elford (president).

Attendees: 26 – see attendance log for further details

Apologies: Suzanne Orr MLA, James Milligan MLA, Alistair Coe MLA.

Agenda item 1: Gungahlin town centre planning refresh

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Gary Rake, Executive Director Planning presented on the refresh for Gungahlin town centre (slides on GCC website). Concerns raised by the community included:

  • Concerns about the tall building being approved. GR notes that ACT planning has received applications above height limits hence focus of refresh but doesn’t prejudge the outcomes of the process.
  • Requirement for integrated view to development, parking spaces etc. Developments have only assessed transport loading individually rather than collectively. History of development without sufficient car parks  GR stated that demand has moved beyond originally envisaged in 2010. Once height limits known then can plan schools, transport, parking spaces etc.
  • Precinct 2b is anomaly surrounded by 1-2 stories. Will that precinct code change? Is there a danger that rules will change to suit the developer. GR – need to consider transition between different zones and impact on nearby residential area.
  • Better re-alignments for off road bike path Gungahlin-civic. GR -outside of scope but provide input and the ACT government can work on it.
  • Crossing Valley avenue to get to hibberson street – no pedestrian crossing –


  • Invited input whether directly or indirectly related to the Gungahlin Town Centre
  • Confirmed that the planning team would also consider the 2014 your say survey and consultation on lower end of hibberson street
  • Confirmed that where a development application had already being submitted these would continue in parallel to the refresh.
  • Meet the planners sessions to be organised, dates TBC next week.
  • That the consultation closed 14 April.

Agenda item 2: Road closures arising from Light Rail construction

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Scott Lyall, Project Director, Transport Canberra Light Rail announced lane closures on Flemington Road, commencing 17 March for approximately 7-9 months to allow Light Rail construction to be expedited by 3-4 months. Traffic modelling shows 4 min delay in AM peak. Changes to bus routes are being finalised and will be announced shortly. Will have 7 days after closure to see impact to traffic and amend as necessary. He also announced Hibberson street to be closed permanently from 10 April and Gungahlin bus interchange to start construction late March with the aim to be completed December 2017. Capital Metro Community Forum 22 March, will also include Transport Canberra and ACT roads to discuss all modes of transport.

The meeting had general concerns about the impact to traffic not just on Flemington but also on other corridors out of Gungahlin (particularly identifying Horse Park as an alternative route). Other specific questions (and answers) included.

  • Communication plan? Door knocked businesses along Hibberson Street and Flemington road, social media
  • Protection from weather from bus to light rail at Gungahlin – Yes due to existing and new awnings.
  • When will Light Rail open? 1 April 2018
  • Are capital metro hitting milestones? Yes, don’t believe there is a risk at this point in time.
  • Off road cycle path next to epic – will be closed during construction
  • Concerned about impact to retailers in Mitchell and the fact there is no planned stop thus missing focus on Mitchell.

Agenda item 3:  Meaghan Fitzharris MLA – update on progress in implementing ACT Government promises

Health – nurse walk in centre in Gungahlin will open 2017. Hospital on Ginninderra drive will open early next year which will free up beds at TCH and Calvary new hospital called ucph. Will increase hospital in the home which will mean an increase in the sorts of services here in Gungahlin.

Schools – work has commenced in Taylor including primary in 2019 – will pick up moncrief and jacka as well.  Most of the upgrades to existing schools have being delivered this year. New high school in Gungahlin region.

Mulligans flat – Fence to be extended, and space has been allocated to a eco tourism research hub.

Throsby sporting fields also to be built.

Employment – Will work with commonwealth to determine if a smart work hub (similar to existing offices in Sydney and Melbourne where Commonwealth public servants can work remotely).

Roads – All roads are under pressure and it will be 18-24 months before all works complete. Unexpected population boom. Horse park stage 1 underway, stage 2 tender is about to go out, stage 3 has being budgeted. Gundaroo stage 2 has being funded, William Slim to be duplicated this term. Barton highway roundabout is working better

Public transport – Gungahlin to Belconnen will become rapid route this year. Express bus from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong trial this year.

Active travel – Sullivan’s cycle path – almost complete. Missing gaps. Park and pedal opened. Walk and ride week coming up

Questions and responses

  • Why expanding Harrison school and not Franklin? Harrison approved in previous budget. Community  not yet settled on what Franklin school should be (primary or early learning). Need more time for conversation.
  • Getting cars off the road – very soon transport emissions will make up 60% of emissions. Active transport office has been established.. Significant investment in segregated paths in Belconnen.  First instinct should not be to duplicate roads.
  • Mitchell is forgotten area with no light rail stop and run down. MF did not agree, new buildings and businesses. New construction, light rail depot, possible to put a stop in Mitchell in future.
  • If you don’t have a car it is very difficult to get a package from post office in Mitchell – this is a matter for Australia post.
  • Roads planning group producing app – active log will be released tomorrow.
  • Shade sails in play grounds – contract just awarded
  • Throsby sporting fields – no date yet to be determined
  • Estate development way – will be approved in a couple of days
  • Horse park drive noise abatement in Gungahlin – invited to discuss with ACT Roads representative
  • Lack of confidence that once works are complete, roads will be sufficient for Gungahlin’s population. Also given the impact of the CSIRO site sale.
  • Park and ride in Casey or crace to reduce traffic from Gungahlin.

Agenda item 4: statement from Senator the Hon. Zed Seselja

Dear Members of the Gungahlin Community Council,

I am sorry I am unable to be there with you this evening, but I would like to take this brief opportunity to update you on my election commitment to see a Commonwealth Public Service Department or Agency move their offices to Gungahlin to help boost the local economy.

Last week I met with the office of Minister for Finance and officials from the Department of Finance who are responsible for managing Commonwealth office spaces. They briefed me on the process they are undertaking to make this move happen and updated me on their progress.

The first stage of the process involves auditing all the current departments and agencies to assess which are the most appropriate to be moved based on several factors including number of employees, office space requirements, and current leasing arrangements. The other aspect of this first stage is to identify potential sites in the Gungahlin town centre for a new office space to be constructed to accommodate the selected agency.

The Department of Finance officials informed me that they are nearing completion of this first stage, having narrowed down the number of potential agencies to be moved and identified several potential sites in Gungahlin for the new offices.

While for probity reasons I am unable to provide more detail at present, I understand this first stage should reach completion in the coming months. The Department of Finance informed me that they anticipate formal negotiations with the chosen agency will begin by mid-year, at which point I expect to be able to provide more concrete detail.

I am proud to have secured an election commitment from the Government to move a public service workforce to Gungahlin for the first time to grow the town centre and boost the local economy. I will continue to work hard to see this election promise fulfilled.

Yours sincerely,


Senator the Hon. Zed Seselja

Liberal Senator for the ACT

Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Minutes – GCC Community Meeting 8 February 2017

GCC Community Meeting 8 February 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:00 pm)

Chair: Peter Elford (president).

Attendees: 26 – see attendance log for further details

Agenda item 1: Introduction/overview

The chair provided a powerpoint presentation (see website for copy) that consisted of an overview of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) and issues that it had identified as being of concern. The chair outlined that it would be an open forum and that the GCC was seeking community feedback on what issues were important and that the GCC should be advocating.

Agenda item 2:  Creeping high density development

The chair highlighted current highrise development under construction, approved or proposed for the office park precinct (see presentation for further detail), stated that GCC was not anti development but that town planning rules were not being applied, that 500 child care places surrounding the precinct may be impacted from construction and then invited feedback.

The general consensus of the meeting was that the community was concerned about the collective impact of the multiple developments, and that GCC should continue to advocate the ACT Government for a coherent urban plan produced in consultation with the community.

Specific concerns raised (but not necessarily agreed by all):

  • Impact to traffic in surrounding areas;
  • Impact to street parking
  • Erosion of planning rules in Canberra due to undue influence
  • Lack of community awareness and understanding of the DA process and how to put in an objection
  • Variation charges go into ACT consolidated revenue instead of being returned to the immediate community/surroundings.

Agenda item 3: Roads

The chair briefed the status of Horse Park Drive construction and future upgrades. This was then followed by general discussion.

The general consensus of the meeting was that:

  • the Barton Highway/Gundaroo Road intersection was now operating ok.  Whilst initial statistics on accidents were positive, additional time is required to see if this is a significant change.
  • there is a need to focus on smaller streets within suburbs which are unduly impacted by cars parking on both sides of the street or lack sufficient parking.
  • congestion on Gundaroo Drive (from Mirrabei to Horse Park Drive) was identified as a concern but there was a lack of information as to whether duplication was required.

Kevin Cox noted that consultation on Active travel close this weekend.

Agenda item 4: Water rewards

Kevin Cox provided a powerpoint slide presentation (on GCC website) on proposed water fees that will increase the costs to most consumers and reduce the costs to large consumers. Kevin then presented ‘water rewards,’ a cheaper alternative than private financing.

Agenda item 5: Celebrate Gungahlin festival

My Gungahlin presented on the 3d Celebrate Gungahlin Festival to be held on 29 April in the Town Square.  Groups/organisations still able to express interest in sponsorship and stall holders.

Agenda item 6: Indoor sports at old Home Hardware site

My Gungahlin presented its idea of converting the old Home Hardware site on Gundaroo into a multi-use indoor sports facility which had received initial positive feedback on its facebook page. My Gungahlin has Yvette Berry MLA and Minister for Sports who announced that the Government would conduct a  study in last half of 2017 with results to be announced in 2018. The meeting supported the idea and the Chair took on the action to contact Sports and REcreation about the idea.

Agenda item 7: Other topics

The chair invited the meeting for other suggested items that the GCC should also advocate, responses included:

  • Public spaces not maintained (mowing, streetlights, foot paths) – insufficient funds in the budget to address these matters with priority tending to go where people have complained.
  • Hibberson street.
  • New suburbs of Jacka, Moncrief, and Taylor require bus services.
  • Construction of a nurse led walk in centre.
  • Kevin Cox called for contribution to Gunsmoke.
  • Too many planning activities/consultations happening in isolation, need to be considered in total.

Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock

Public Meeting 9th November 2016

Roads, LDA, Empire Towers, Eastlake Club

Public Meeting 9th November 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Meeting

Venue: Gungahlin Library
Date: 9th Novmber 2016
Chair: Peter Elford – Meeting commenced at 6.35pm
Community members present: 24 people 6.30pm – 32 present at 7pm
[1] 6:35pm Updates on developments in Gungahlin including Taylor, Throsby, Roads, and Cinema

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Information was provided relating to:
· Barton Highway / Gundaroo Rd/ William Slim round-a-bout; will be closed Sunday 13 Nov 9.30pm to 6am Monday. This has the potential to cause significant disruption. Signage will be in place to notify drivers. Other closures will be in place Monday 14 Nov [9.30pm to 6am] Tuesday 15 Nov [9.30pm to 6am] · Manning Clark Cres – Expected to reopen late November
· Extension to Ernest Cavanagh St will be extended during 2017
· Horse Park Drive – Well Station to Anthony Rolfe Ave to be completed mid-2017
· Horse Park Drive – Anthony Rolfe Ave to Mulligans Flat Rd construction expected to commence early 2017
· Horse Park Drive – Federal Hwy to Well Station Dr Work to commence early 2017

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Information was provided relating to:
· Moncrieff
· Taylor – Stage 1 being developed – Total for Taylor 25,000 dwellings
· Throsby
· Jacka
· Gungahlin Town Centre
[2] 7:10pm Development Update – Section 224, Blocks 205 – Corner Gundaroo Drive and Goddard Street – Proposed residential Towers

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Information provided relating to the proposed development. Proposed to have three building consisting of 26, 26 and 8 storeys.
Attractive shared public realm with active commercial/ retail on the ground floor with 1000 square metres of rooftop dinning and possible tourism related facilities.
Approximately 300 apartments including studio, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments with underground parking.

The developer (Empire Global) aims to have the DA available by the end of 2016.

[3] 7:55pm Eastlake Club Development in Town Centre (Block 1 Section 227 – bounded by Efkarpidis Street, Hinder Street, The Valley Avenue, and Kate Crace Street)

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The presentation was provided by Eastlake Club representatives.  Approximately 3000 square metres of floor space plus underground parking.  The facility will have a number of dining areas and a function area.  An external “pub-like” area will be accessible from the street with facilities available to the public and club members.

8.13pm GCC General Business
The meeting was informed that the Council’s AGM would be held on 14 December – All GCC Executive positions will be declared vacant.   Members were invited to nominate for positions on the GCC Executive.
The meeting concluded at 8.25pm

Public Meeting 12th October 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Meeting

Venue: Forde Community Centre

Date: 12 October 2016

Chair: Henley Samuel`- Meeting commenced at 6.40pm

Community members present: 35 people were at the meeting at 6.30pm

[1] Gungahlin Block 2 Section 224, KDN Group

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“Lumi” Residential Development

This development is located on the corner of Gribble St and Swain St with frontage to Gundaroo Rd. It will be adjacent to a number of other large residential/ commercial developments. A rough calculation is that there will be approximately 600 – 1000 new apartments in this local area of the Gungahin Town centre.

Lumi will be in two separate blocks (1 of 14 stories and 1 of 7 stories); it will have ground floor commercial development with 145 apartments (apartment mix – 35% 1 bed room/ 46% 2 bed room/ 19% 3 bed room). There will be 204 carparks.

Following the presentation there was considerable discussion. The majority of comment related to 1) parking; 2) traffic flows and the impact on the local road network; 3) what benefit these developments may be able to contribute to the community. It was suggested that the developers should combine their resources to encourage/ assist the government to construct a walk and cycle bridge over Gundaroo Road.

[1] NBN Update

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Jonathon James provided information on behalf of nbn (see GCC website for the presentation).

There are approximately 600 houses in Casey Stage 1. This development was not provided with facility to accommodate NBN. Many residents have expended considerable time and effort trying to obtain information relating to when NBN will be available to this area.

Residents have been advised that they will be required to pay a fee before nbn will provide a quotation for fibre to the house connection. The meeting was advised nbn expect “fibre to the curb” will be available to Casey Stage1 by mid-2017.

The meeting was provided with comments from members of the community impacted by this oversight in planning/ development. Given that this is a suburb that has only been recently developed the meeting was able to relate to the frustration of the Casey Stage1 residents. Casey Stage1 residents are fully aware that this situation is having a considerable impact on the value of their properties.

The meeting concluded at 8.25pm

Public Meeting 14th September 2016

Election Forum

Gungahlin Community Council Meeting

Purpose of the meeting – Meet the candidates prior to the ACT 2016 election

Venue: St John Paul II College (Nicholls)

Date: 14 September 2016

Chair: Peter Elford

Meeting commenced at 6.40pm

Community members present: 48 people were at the meeting at 6.30pm – 61 people were at the meeting at 8:20pm

Candidates who provided information: Jayson Hinder (ACT Labor); David Pollard (Independent);
Casey Heffernan (Like Canberra); Jacob Vaddakedathu (Canberra Liberals); James Milligan (Canberra Liberals); Alistair Coe (Canberra Liberals); Megan Fitzharris (ACT Labor); Violet Sheridan (Sustainable Australia); Dave Green (Liberal Democrats); Paul Gabriel (Sustainable Australia); Veronica Wensing (Greens); Andrew Braddock (Greens) ; Tobias Holm (Greens);

The purpose of the meeting is to provide the Gungahlin community with the opportunity to receive information from each of the candidates relating to their qualities which provide them with the skillset to represent the community should they be successful in being elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly. Each candidate was given a two-minute timeframe to provide the meeting with information relating to their experience, skills and priorities.

Questions, which had been submitted prior to the meeting were asked by the meeting Chair, with responses provided by individual candidates and/ or representatives of the political party. On completion of submitted questions the meeting was invited to submit questions from the floor.

The information provided by each candidate and the Q&A component of the meeting was recorded and uploaded to the GCC website and the GCC on-line media portals.

The meeting concluded at 8.40pm