GCC Community Meeting 12 April 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:00 pm)
Chair: Peter Elford (president).
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Agenda item 1: Gungahlin town centre planning refresh
Gary Rake Deputy Director-General, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development provided an update on the Gungahlin town centre planning refresh.
Demographics of respondents demonstrate good representations across gender, age and types of households. So far have received 830 responses with approximately coming from a duplicate IP address. Themes identified thus far include:
- 52% of respondents access the town centre 1-2 times a week, 37% daily
- Information
- 80% drive to the town centre
- Quality of buildings (both in design and construction) was a concern
- Young demographics want more green spaces
- 80% wanted to see taller buildings
Following the closing of the survey EPSD will conduct data validation and then present the results within a number of weeks. In some months a proposal will be put out for further consultation prior to being codified via a territory plan variation. Mr Rake expects that due to the pace of change in Gungahlin there will likely be a requirement to review within the next decade.
Agenda item 2: Transport Canberra Road update
Fleur Flanery from Transport Canberra provide a presentation (available via website) on seven projects currently underway in the Gungahlin region. Discussions occurred on the following specific items:
- Ernest Cavanagh Street – needs to sequenced first to support light rail project
- Valley Avenue – to support routing of buses and cars with the closure of Hibberson Street. This item created disccusion in light of recent changes, congestion and the use of Marshalls at intersection of Gizzard and Valley avenues. There is no intention to put temporary traffic lights. Transport Canberra is aware of the problems and monitoring.
- Hibberson street – plan to consult in mid 2017 on changes.
- Horse park – Stage 1 will finish May 17, will then commence following stages almost concurrently. Sulfate soils between Wells station and Federal highway have delayed commencement of works on this stage.
Concerns were raised during the meeting about duplication of Horse Park Drive between Taylor and Moncrief. This led into extended debate about the optimal timing of investment in road infrastructure, most effective use of capital and duplication of works. The view of the meeting was that the community lacked confidence in the Government to provide road infrastructure in a timely fashion to meet Gungahlin’s increasing population and that it always seemed to be behind the curve.
A concern was raised about the park and ride facility being over capacity and requesting the ACT government to examine options including boom gates or permits. Mr Gary Rake promised to look into the issue and come back to the Council with proposal.
Agenda item 3: Karl Cloos Roads ACT
Karl Cloos, Roads ACT, provided a brief on the process to plan future road projects (presentation available on website). Pertinent points or outcomes included:
- Barton highway intersection – initial data is showing less accidents.
- Gary Rake stated the government would examine whether traffic data could be released on an open data platform.
- A question was raised about the impact of the CSIRO site redevelopment, Gary Rake said he was working with CSIRO on this issue and that there would be an agreed amount of funds set aside for infrastructure investments to support the development.
- The presentation included a map of works proposed for the next 2-5 years which included Nudurr Drive and William Slim Drive. Unfortunately this plan does not take into account the number of residential units being constructed in precinct 2b.
Agenda item 4: Purdon planning consultation on Lot 2 of 59
Richard???, Purdon Planning, proponent for Lot 2 of 59 on Anthony Rolfe Drive (currently a dirt car park behind Community and Family Centre) which is listed for Community Facilities under the Town Plan, wished to consult on proposed uses of the site. He wished to explore the possibility of a mixed use facility, with the first two stories being for community facility whilst the remainder (totalling six stories) for another use. The meeting’s general view was residential was not supported but the following ideas for community facility included: a work hub, tech college, CIT, men’s shed, headspace, mental health out-patient, artist congregation point, training facility provider, and CALMS clinic.
Next Step will be for Purdon Planning to approach ACTPLA and request for scope for planning report to change precinct code and territory plan. Gary Rake recommend that this be drawn into the Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Refresh if possible.
Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock
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