GCC Community Meeting 13 September 2017, Gungahlin Library (6:30 – 8:30 pm)
Chair: Peter Elford (President)
Attendees: see attendance log
Agenda item 1: Gungahlin Town Planning Refresh – Helena Seagrove
Helena provided a presentation (slides on website) on the outcomes of the Gungahlin Town Centre planning Refresh Community consultation which started in March 2017. The community consultation report is due to be released shortly however key messages included:
- General support for up to 10 storeys in some locations in Gungahlin east and lower else where. (935 survey responses, removed survey results where multiple inputs came from one IP address)
- Introduce more greenery into town centre
Development Approvals in process in precinct 2b will be assessed against the old code but the results of community consultation will be kept in mind. Key questions from the meeting included:
- How do we adjust everything else around development occurring in precinct 2b. I.e. Accept approvals have happened, how do we adjust education etc to take into account the density in this area..
- Looking for confidence that future code will not allow buildings in excess of 10 stories. Will have a second consultation on next planning code. Need to deliver code with criteria locked down
Agenda item 2: Third infinity tower – Purdon Planning and Stewart Architecture
Developers presented on proposed amendments to the original DA which was approved in 2014/15 for the third infinity tower which was for a 14 storey building with 122 units.
The new proposal is for the same height, more basement car parking, continuation of retail frontage, roof-top garden and potentially up to 172 units. Key questions/issues raised during the presentation included:
- What benefit to community from development? Developers put something into the area (eg park across the road) access across the road? What are developers giving back to the community? Answer – Reduced podium, commercial space.
- Have not considered commercial space (despite original planning) saw mainly as retail opportunity
- Car park arrangements for retail business? Relying on car park already on road and verge
Agenda item 3: ACT Climate Change
Anna and Catherine Quinan presented the ACT Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Following signing of contracts to provide 100% renewable energy by 2020, the next big challenge will be addressing transport. Examining electric bus trial and expanding infrastructure for hydrogen car trial. General questions included:
- How can we achieve 100% without grid level storage – we have purchased equivalent but can’t always guarantee.
- Have you considered off river pumped hydro as storage – off river – Arralewan- might be a possibility
- Transport Canberra letting you down – bus drivers leave buses running whilst having breaks. Brought up with action, need to look
- Energy team looking into grid resilience
- Cost of energy – recent price increases were due to national energy market.
- Solar farms taking up green space. Expensive for individual households to put on roofs. Could at grid level use a lot of roof space instead of taking up green space.
Agenda item 4: ACT Government update – Meegan Fitzharris MLA
Buses –
Looking at how to redesign whole network for when LR becomes operational. There will be another network change in March as a trial for when LR. Will be quite a lot of community engagement around this change. Services to new suburbs will be considered in March.
Franklin early childhood school – mixed views on whether Franklin should expand across all years or expand as a larger early childhood school. ALP commited to expand but is agnostic about which way and will follow the community’s wishes.
Nurse walk-in centre – Have funded early work for Gungahlin walk in centre in this year’s budget. Expect to be operational in second half of 2018. Need to be a conversation with GPs in the area about how to integrate walk in centre with local health services. Ideas include have a fracture clinic. Prevention – eg pre screening for diabetes.
Mirrabei drive – turning intersection into signals, creating a new south-bound lane from Paul Coe lane.
Planning changes around precinct – need to be more opportunities for public realm improvement. Keen to explore that during refresh.
Horse park drive – Works were split to suit the local market capacity Also difficulties in doing that particular stretch to the federal highway which has led to delays.
Mental health – The Canberra Hospital mental health unit can’t provide long term care. Shane Rattenbury establishing office of mental health.
Top of hibberson street Ongoing work to promote businesses to mitigate impact of hoardings. Barriers will come down in December.
LR performing well against project plan however next 12 months is the challenging part of the project as integrating into traffic signals. Talking to businesses in Mitchell. – meeting with them on Friday.
Active travel –
- Cycle parking on LR vehicles. Six spots where you can hang bike. Can also bring more bikes onto the vehicle.
- Sweeping schedule for majura as on road cycle path often has debris- will pass that on
- Need to bring bike paths into town centre.
- Is there some to put in cyclist path early to feed into Majura parkway?
Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock
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