GCC Community Meeting 8 February 2017 (Gungahlin Library 6:30 – 8:00 pm)
Chair: Peter Elford (president).
Attendees: 26 – see attendance log for further details
Agenda item 1: Introduction/overview
The chair provided a powerpoint presentation (see website for copy) that consisted of an overview of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) and issues that it had identified as being of concern. The chair outlined that it would be an open forum and that the GCC was seeking community feedback on what issues were important and that the GCC should be advocating.
Agenda item 2: Creeping high density development
The chair highlighted current highrise development under construction, approved or proposed for the office park precinct (see presentation for further detail), stated that GCC was not anti development but that town planning rules were not being applied, that 500 child care places surrounding the precinct may be impacted from construction and then invited feedback.
The general consensus of the meeting was that the community was concerned about the collective impact of the multiple developments, and that GCC should continue to advocate the ACT Government for a coherent urban plan produced in consultation with the community.
Specific concerns raised (but not necessarily agreed by all):
- Impact to traffic in surrounding areas;
- Impact to street parking
- Erosion of planning rules in Canberra due to undue influence
- Lack of community awareness and understanding of the DA process and how to put in an objection
- Variation charges go into ACT consolidated revenue instead of being returned to the immediate community/surroundings.
Agenda item 3: Roads
The chair briefed the status of Horse Park Drive construction and future upgrades. This was then followed by general discussion.
The general consensus of the meeting was that:
- the Barton Highway/Gundaroo Road intersection was now operating ok. Whilst initial statistics on accidents were positive, additional time is required to see if this is a significant change.
- there is a need to focus on smaller streets within suburbs which are unduly impacted by cars parking on both sides of the street or lack sufficient parking.
- congestion on Gundaroo Drive (from Mirrabei to Horse Park Drive) was identified as a concern but there was a lack of information as to whether duplication was required.
Kevin Cox noted that consultation on Active travel close this weekend.
Agenda item 4: Water rewards
Kevin Cox provided a powerpoint slide presentation (on GCC website) on proposed water fees that will increase the costs to most consumers and reduce the costs to large consumers. Kevin then presented ‘water rewards,’ a cheaper alternative than private financing.
Agenda item 5: Celebrate Gungahlin festival
My Gungahlin presented on the 3d Celebrate Gungahlin Festival to be held on 29 April in the Town Square. Groups/organisations still able to express interest in sponsorship and stall holders.
Agenda item 6: Indoor sports at old Home Hardware site
My Gungahlin presented its idea of converting the old Home Hardware site on Gundaroo into a multi-use indoor sports facility which had received initial positive feedback on its facebook page. My Gungahlin has Yvette Berry MLA and Minister for Sports who announced that the Government would conduct a study in last half of 2017 with results to be announced in 2018. The meeting supported the idea and the Chair took on the action to contact Sports and REcreation about the idea.
Agenda item 7: Other topics
The chair invited the meeting for other suggested items that the GCC should also advocate, responses included:
- Public spaces not maintained (mowing, streetlights, foot paths) – insufficient funds in the budget to address these matters with priority tending to go where people have complained.
- Hibberson street.
- New suburbs of Jacka, Moncrief, and Taylor require bus services.
- Construction of a nurse led walk in centre.
- Kevin Cox called for contribution to Gunsmoke.
- Too many planning activities/consultations happening in isolation, need to be considered in total.
Minutes taken by Andrew Braddock
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