Public Meeting 11th May 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Public Meeting
Date:   11th May 2016

Horse Park Duplication and Gungahlin Roads, Meegan Fitzharris, Minister for Transport

Horse Park Drive – Stage 2 – Wells Station Drive to Federal Highway + ANthony Role to Mulligans
– Continuous shared path from Majura Parkway
– Car park for 25-30 cards at Goorooyaroo
– Katherine Ave will get signals
– 2+ years to complete
– 3 bridges
– Bikeway and underpass at Harrison
– There is a public consultation process underway online
Roundabout at Barton Highway
– Completing late 2016
Gungahlin Drive Upgrade
– Complete in June 2016
Gundaroo Drive Duplication
– Going slow due to remediation of concrete slabs protecting gas mains
Town Centre East
– Mid 2017 completion
– Watch out for road closures
– Upgrades to intersections coming

Gungahlin Roads, Alistair Coe, Shadow Minister for Transport

– Gundaroo Drive duplication  could be done more cheaply using 10-12m median
– Details of proposed bus plan including dispersed services, colour coding, single fare

 ACT Election and Electorates, Rohan Spence, Deputy Electoral Commissioner

Public Meeting 13th April 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Public Meeting

Date: 13 April 2016
Chair: Peter Elford
Committee members in attendance: David Pollard; Jacob Vadakkedatthu; Henley Samuel; and Ian Ruecroft
Apologies: Keven Cox and Alistair Coe

Community members present: 33 people signed the meeting attendance sheet

Meeting commenced at 6.35pm

Tennis ACT

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Ross Triffitt provided the meeting with an overview of tennis in the ACT. At this time there is no dedicated tennis facilities in Gungahlin. Tennis ACT is actively progressing exploring options for establishing a multi-use facility that would cater for tennis activities. It is envisaged that this facility would incorporate meeting rooms, a café and outdoor tennis facilities.

Tennis ACT is not in a position to develop the facility as a standalone organisation. They are looking for a partner organisation to join them in planning, developing and using the joint facility. Ideally this partner organisation would be a sporting organisation. Tennis ACT requested the community to provide contact details of any organisations which may be interested in forming a cooperative partnership.

Tennis ACT advised the meeting that not Gungahlin site had been identified for the facility at this time but a number of sites were being considered.

Integrated Transport

Jason Hinder provided the meeting with information relating to ACT transport at the present time and into the future. Factors which impact on Gungahlin’s transport environment include:
• Population growth
• The Northbourne Avenue corridor’s current traffic issues
• The impact that light rail will have in Gungahlin and along Northbourne

Gungahlin Cinema

Kieran Fordham provided the meeting with information relating to planning for the cinema complex. This facility will be built on the block opposite the post office and will eventually cover the site bounded by Hibberson St; Hinder St; Efkarpidis St and Kate Crace St. Development specifications:

• 3300 Square metre retail mall contained within a complex that is three and four stories
• There will be no residential development within the complex
• The complex will have underground parking on a scale similar to other building in the Gungahlin Town Centre
• The site will be developed in two halves
• External appearance will be unique with a factory appearance with a sawtooth roofline
• Facilities will contain 8 cinemas; restaurants; speciality retail shopping and outdoor market square; with professional apartments on the upper levels
The DA is expected to be lodged mid 2016 with construction commencing at the end of 2016. 18 to 24 months construction period.

Roadworks in Gungahlin

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Tony Gill (Director Roads ACT) and Jennie Gilles (Environmental Services Manager Roads ACT) provided the meeting with an update on the Nudurr Drive environmental audit report. The report is to evaluate the site to establish factors which may need to be taken into account when developing plans for Nudurr Drive to be constructed at a future time, estimated to be between the years 2020 to 2025. The audit established:
• That the existing asbestos deposits did not pose contamination issues for construction of the road
• Additional fill was required in some areas of the site to bring the site to current standards. This is not urgent but will be programmed for future works
• Underground water flows were being assess to enable protocols to be developed to be applied prior to and during construction of the roadGeneral discussion took place relating to roads and roadworks within the Gungahlin district.

Transport Canberra and City Services update

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The Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris MLA, and Emma Thomas, Director-General of Capital Metro Agency, provided an overview of the ACT Government’s new agency, Transport Canberra and City Services, which will bring together ACTION buses, light rail, active travel and local services from 1 July 2016. The update included:
• Northbourne Avenue congestion and associated issues
• Planning for integration of busses light rail and other modes of transport
• Renewable power source for light rail will be 100% renewable energy
• Light rail construction will be complete (for the Civic Gungahlin section) by late 2018 to early 2019Discussion took place relating to: 1) The sharing of “MYway” data; 2) Park-and-ride facilities at the Casey shops, with routes to Civic and Woden via Gungahlin Drive/ Barry Drive and Hindmarsh Drive.

Gungahlin Town Centre

Other issues discussed with the Minister, related to the Gungahlin Town Centre (GTC). These matters were: 1) Parking in the GTC; 2) Refresh of planning for the CTC; 3) Traffic lights in the GTC especially along the Valley Way; 4) Pedestrian crossings in the GTC especially adjacent to the current park-and-ride carpark; 5) Options for progressing pedestrian/ vehicle access along Hibberson Street during shopping hours; 6) Undertaking a survey of movement around the GTC.

Other matters

Members of the community highlighted issues associated with the duplication of Gundaroo Road. Although members of the Gungahlin community attended community consultations relating to the duplication of Gungahlin Drive, some of the issues raised appear to have been disregarded.
During the consultation workshops there was a commitment made that “Quite Road” surface would be applied to the road. There was also agreement that noise abatement barriers would be constructed in appropriate locations; and that this noise abatement would be installed prior to duplication works taking place.
The meeting concluded at 9.15pm