The 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Gungahlin Community Council Inc., and November public meeting, will be held in the Eastlake Gungahlin Club, 51 Hinder Street, Gungahlin commencing at 6.30pm on Wednesday 9 November 2022. The AGM will be held first.
The AGM and meeting will be face-to-face. As usual the meeting will be live streamed on Facebook via the GCC Facebook page.
Persons wishing to attend the AGM are strongly encouraged to sign up as a GCC member (it’s FREE!) as only registered members can vote in the event of an election for an executive position.
Public Meeting
- GCC Update, President, GCC
- District Strategies and draft Territory Plan, EPSDD
- Landcare in Gungahlin, Kat McGilp, Ginninderra Catchment Group
- Gungahlin Rural Block 348 – Retirement LivingConcept and Aged Care, Clare Gilligan, PBS Building
Annual General Meeting
All executive committee positions will be declared vacant and nominations are now open for the office-bearer positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Officer and up to five other Committee Members.
The GCC is a volunteer organisation that advocates for and on behalf of the district of Gungahlin as outlined in What We Do.
The GCC organises and hosts monthly public meetings. The GCC executive also meets once per month and much of the business of the executive is undertaken online through email, social media, our web site and other online tools. We engage with a wide range of ACT government agencies, MLA’s and Ministers, and members of the executive participate in a number of forums to better interact with the Gungahlin community. The GCC executive roles require a reasonable time commitment. The work of the GCC is captured in our newsletters and annual reports (eg. 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018).
If you know someone who may be interested in the work of the Gungahlin Community Council, please pass this information on to them.
You must be a registered GCC member to nominate for an executive committee position (signup as a member). A person is not eligible to nominate to be an Office-Bearer of the Council if the person is;
(a) an Executive Officer of a registered political party;
(b) a person employed by a registered political party;
(c) a registered candidate for a forthcoming election; or
(d) an elected member of the ACT Legislative Assembly or any Parliament or a person who has been pre-selected or has nominated for a forthcoming election to any of the aforementioned bodies; or
(e) an office bearer in a commercial or industrial lobby group registered with the Federal or ACT Government.
Nominations should be sent by emailing a completed NOMINATION FORM to the Secretary ( no later than Friday 4 November 2022. All nominations will be acknowledged by return email.
AGM Agenda
1. Opening and welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of previous AGM held on 8 December 2021
4. Presentation of Annual Report for 2021-22
5. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report (Financial Reports & Reviewers Statement)
6. Appointment of Public Officer
7. Election of office bearers & general committee members for 2022-23
8. Amendments to the Association Rules (Constitution)
The existing Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) Association Rules are not sufficiently explicit regarding our non-profit status. As a consequence, the GCC is not able to secure discounted (free) services from some vendors (including Google). The proposed change will allow us to continue to benefit from free and discounted non-profit costs from Google, and other organisations. It also more accurately reflects our nature.
The GCC members are invited to pass a Special Resolution to include the below two insertions to the GCC Association Rules (Constitution):
Not-for-profit clause, inserted as 32.3
“The assets and income of the organisation shall be applied solely in
furtherance of its above-mentioned objects and no portion shall be
distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except
as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on
behalf of the organisation.”
Dissolution clause, inserted as 38.3
“In the event of the organisation being dissolved, the amount that remains
after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be
transferred to another organisation with similar purposes which is not
carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.”
A copy of the GCC Constitution highlighting the proposed insertions is available on the GCC website.
9. General Business
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