The ACT Government is inviting all recognised ACT peak sporting and active recreation bodies, ACT district community councils and ACT Licensed Clubs to contribute to the establishment of a register of potential sport and recreation infrastructure projects in the ACT.
As an eligible organisation, you can submit up to fifteen (15) priority sport and active recreation infrastructure projects using the survey link provided below. The survey is now open and will close on Friday 28 April 2023.
Once completed, this register will assist the ACT Government to consider a list of priority sport and active recreation infrastructure projects for inclusion in an ACT Government sport and active recreation infrastructure plan to guide potential development in the short to medium term (next 10 years, through to 2032). Given the important role this plan will play in future infrastructure provision, it is critical your organisation provides its priority projects via this survey.
It should be noted that any priority projects included in the proposed ACT Government sport and recreation active infrastructure plan will still need to be considered in the future by the ACT Government as part of an annual Budget process or via a funding application, and in light of circumstances at the time. Therefore government support for the project is not guaranteed and should not be presumed.
The following business rules will assist eligible organisations to complete this survey.
- All potential sport and active recreation infrastructure projects to be included as part of the survey must be located within the ACT.
- Where an organisation wishes to identify more than one project, the projects must be entered in priority order(i.e. the first project entered will represent the highest priority project for the organisation). There is not capacity for projects to be considered as an equal priority (i.e. an organisation can’t submit two projects and detail that both are considered to be a number one (1) priority.
- Only ACT Peak Sporting or Active Recreation organisations (or equivalents), ACT District Community Councils and ACT Licensed Clubs are eligible to complete this survey. As a result, peak body organisations (e.g. state sporting organisations) are required to include any relevant projects that may relate to their respective affiliated clubs/organisations. It will be the responsibility of the applicable peak body organisation to undertake any necessary consultation with the affiliated clubs/organisations to complete this survey.
- Examples of a peak body organisation include – Capital Football or Gymnastics ACT
- Professional sporting teams that are not part of an ACT peak sporting body (e.g. Canberra Cavalry) need to work through the relevant peak body organisation to include any relevant projects (e.g. Baseball ACT).
- Commercial or for-profit organisations are not eligible to complete this survey.
Please note the survey is being conducted using Smartygrants which requires all users to be registered with the platform. If your organisation isn’t registered with Smartygrants, you will be asked to do so before you can complete the survey.
To commence the survey, please click here
If you require any further information, please contact Simon Dolejsi ( for assistance.
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