Public Meeting 11 November 2015
CSIRO, Public Housing, MLA Update, Bunnings, Bus Station
Wednesday 11th November 2015
6.30pm commencement
Meeting Chaired by Tony Ozanne (Vice President)
Apologies: Peter Elford (President)
(26 attendees including 8 Committee Members)
6.37pm – Agenda Item 1: CSIRO intention to coordinate development of a parcel of land (approx. 75 hectors) in the area bounded by Barton Hwy/ William Slim Dr/ Owen Dickson Dr.
Speaker: Mark Wallace (CSIRO Portfolio Manager)
The CSIRO Ginninderra site has been identified as excess to the CSIRO’s current plans. It is the CSIRO’s intention to enter into a joint venture arrangement for development of the parcel of land. There is a current consultation process which will end Friday 13th Nov 2015.
Information can be obtained and comments made on the CSIRO’s website
7.05pm – Agenda Item 2: Public Housing Canberra
Speaker: David Collett – ACT Government website – Economic Development
Goal: To establish 12088 medium and high-rise dwellings in the inner areas of North and South Canberra.
Gungahlin – Public housing development in Moncrieff; Nicholls; Franklin; Amaroo and Gungahlin Town Centre
7.12pm – Agenda Item 3: Liberal Party (LP) policy and matters of concern
Speaker: Alistair Coe
1) LP policy is to fund the construction of a fly-over across the Barton Hwy (Gundaroo Rd to William Slim Dr)
2) LP have concerns that the implementation of a structure to accommodate Uber as competition to regular taxi services creates a situation that does not extend fair consideration to current owners and operators of the taxi network
3) LP have concerns that the planning of the alignment of Gundaroo Rd is too close to residence located to the north of the petrol stations
4) LP have concerns related to staff movements within the capital Metro senior staff
7.27pm – Agenda Item 4: Bunnings development: Opening and community interaction
Speaker: Alinia (aka AJ)
The store will open in mid-December. There will be opportunities for community organisations to be involved. Only appropriately structured community organisations can participate but community participation is encouraged and Bunnings will provide assistance wherever possible.
7.33pm Agenda Item 5: Gungahlin Bus station
Speaker: John Hilman
The community are invited to comment. Visit the ACTION website. Consultation open to 14 December 2015.
Matters of discussion:
1) Park-and-ride implication related to the relocation of the Town Centre’s main bus stop;
2) Parking along Gungahlin Place roadway and the impact removal of parking is having on retailers;
3) How will community comments be incorporated into the consultation
7.50pm Agenda Item 6: General Business
1) Tony Ozanne announced that he will be vacating the position of GCC Vice President at the GCC December meeting. Tony invited interested council members to nominate for the position.
2) General information/ discussion relating to the development of the Gungahlin Cinema.
3) Advice that the “Gungahlin Festival” will be held 2nd April 2016. For more information visit the Celebrate.Gungahlin website
4) Discussion relating to the planned Nurse-Walk-in-Clinic which is planned fot the Gungahlin Town Centre
Meeting concluded 7.58pm
Next meeting 9 December 2015 – NOTE: There will be no January 2016 GCC public meeting