
We accept articles from just about anyone with a story about Gungahlin!  We like hearing about what is happening at our local schools, sporting clubs, community groups, and more.  If you would like to pitch a story, please start by emailing or talk to one of our committee at a public meeting, or directly.

Once you have discussed your article, all that is left to do is to write it up and provide a few images.  Half page articles should be around 250 words, while full page articles are 500.  Two or three high resolution images will help to grab reader’s attention.  Have a look through our recent issues for some ideas.

You can write your article in just about anything – Word, Notepad, or even in a simple email.  We will compile it and arrange the images, headings, etc for you.  If you would like to prepare a high resolution PDF file for direct inclusion, please discuss this with us first, though it can usually be accommodated.


We do not actively seek advertising, however if you wish to discuss placing commercial content in the magazine, please email