An Integrated Transport Network for Canberra

A network of light rail and buses designed to offer greater service coverage and frequency, seven days a week at peak and off-peak times across Canberra.

  • The New Bus Network – towards Integrated Public Transport for Canberra (20 mins) – Duncan Edghill
  • Light Rail update (10 mins) –  Meghan Oldfield
  • Questions

Transport Canberra is presently in an 8-week consultation process with the public about the planned New Bus Network for Canberra. The process commenced on 18 June, 2018 and will conclude on 12 August 2018.

Transport Canberra wants to hear from current public transport users, community councils, peak bodies, schools and residents how we can support Canberrans to use the new network. Find more information about the planned bus network and provide feedback at

Gungahlin Library, 6:30pm

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