Public Meeting 12th October 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Meeting

Venue: Forde Community Centre

Date: 12 October 2016

Chair: Henley Samuel`- Meeting commenced at 6.40pm

Community members present: 35 people were at the meeting at 6.30pm

[1] Gungahlin Block 2 Section 224, KDN Group

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“Lumi” Residential Development

This development is located on the corner of Gribble St and Swain St with frontage to Gundaroo Rd. It will be adjacent to a number of other large residential/ commercial developments. A rough calculation is that there will be approximately 600 – 1000 new apartments in this local area of the Gungahin Town centre.

Lumi will be in two separate blocks (1 of 14 stories and 1 of 7 stories); it will have ground floor commercial development with 145 apartments (apartment mix – 35% 1 bed room/ 46% 2 bed room/ 19% 3 bed room). There will be 204 carparks.

Following the presentation there was considerable discussion. The majority of comment related to 1) parking; 2) traffic flows and the impact on the local road network; 3) what benefit these developments may be able to contribute to the community. It was suggested that the developers should combine their resources to encourage/ assist the government to construct a walk and cycle bridge over Gundaroo Road.

[1] NBN Update

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Jonathon James provided information on behalf of nbn (see GCC website for the presentation).

There are approximately 600 houses in Casey Stage 1. This development was not provided with facility to accommodate NBN. Many residents have expended considerable time and effort trying to obtain information relating to when NBN will be available to this area.

Residents have been advised that they will be required to pay a fee before nbn will provide a quotation for fibre to the house connection. The meeting was advised nbn expect “fibre to the curb” will be available to Casey Stage1 by mid-2017.

The meeting was provided with comments from members of the community impacted by this oversight in planning/ development. Given that this is a suburb that has only been recently developed the meeting was able to relate to the frustration of the Casey Stage1 residents. Casey Stage1 residents are fully aware that this situation is having a considerable impact on the value of their properties.

The meeting concluded at 8.25pm

Public Meeting 10th August 2016

Gungahlin Community Council Meeting – Gungahlin Library

Date: 10 August 2016
Chair: Peter Elford
Committee members in attendance: Peter Elford; David Pollard; Henley Samuel; John Pippen; Prasad Tipirneni; Keven Cox and Ian Ruecroft
Apologies: NilCommunity members present: 23 people counted at 7.15pm – 17 people signed the attendance sheetsMeeting commenced at 6.30pm

[1] Woolworths upgrade and extension

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Phil Knapstadt (Vinta Group) provided information to the meeting. Summary talking points were:
• Car park to open next week;
• The new complex will open mid-September. Kmart will be the main tenant with specialist retail and coffee shop/ restaurant services also available
• Woolworths renovations should be completed by mid-September;
• A new bus shelter will be reinstated to Hibberson St (same location as prior the commencement of construction). The shelter will be relocated when the ACT Government has completed transition of bus routes and infrastructure to Gungahlin Place.. This will be relocated tension).
• Car parking will bet two hours free with parking charges to apply after that time. Access will be from Ernest Cavanagh St with under road (Hibberson St) to the current carpark. Access to the current carpark is from Gozzard St and Efkarpidis St.
• Wilson Security has been contracted to provide policing of parking

[2] Block 5 Section 209

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Trevor Fitzpatrick, Marcus Graham, Vikram Chevli and Stewart Architects provided information to the meeting. Summary talking points were:

• DA is being prepared for a development comprising of commercial, residential and car parking. Pod Projects will be the developer.
• The complex is designed to be three towers – being 18 stories; 14 stories and 8 stories. This will complement the Geocom development. The two developments are working together to minimise duplication and seeking to share access corridors wherever possible.
• It is proposed that there will be 181 apartments in the complex. Approximately 300 carparks will be available for the complex (over five stories of car parking).
• Apartment mix will be 50% 1 bedroom; 33% 2 bedroom; with the remainder being 3 bedroom and penthouse apartments.
• The ground floor of the complex will be commercial. No details of probable tennants at this time.
• The building is being designed to have a lifespan exceeding 50 years.
• Entry and exit capacity will be designed to meet development guidelines and quality presentation criteria.
• External appearance (including lighting and gardens) will reflect the standards of a high quality development.
• Affordable housing requirements have not been mandated for the development.

Following general discussion and questions the meeting was informed that this consultation (with the Gungahlin community) would provide a guide for the design team to consider all suggestions and issues that have been identified.

[3] Cinema complex development


The meeting was addressed by Kieran Fordham (representing Lockbridge) Summary talking points were:
• Some amount of redesign has been required to reflect the changed traffic flow and shopfront vision for the development. The proposed light rail corridor and the removal of buses, cars and taxis along Hibberson St dramatically changes how the complex will be entered and how the complex will be presented along the Hibberson St frontage.
• At this time it is intended that the DA will be submitted “soon”
• Constructions should commence mid-2017 with Stage 1 opening mid-2018[4] Meet the candidates meeting – 14 September 2016
The venue has not been finalised at this time.
[ UPDATE – Meet the Candidates will be 6:30-8:30pm at the St John Paul II College Theatre, 1021 Gungahlin Dr, Nicholls ]
The meeting concluded at 8.10pm

Minutes Public Meeting 9 December 2015

Public Meeting 9 December 2015

GCC President – Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Public Housing, Marketplace
Gungahlin Community Council Public Meeting

9 December 2015

Chair: Peter Elford

Committee members in attendance: David Pollard; Jacob Vadakkedatthu; John Phippen; Prasad; Henley Samuel; Kevin Cox and Ian Ruecroft

Committee members absent: No apologies advised

Community members present: Approximately 200 (at 6.30pm)

Agenda Item 1. Continuation of an information session held by the ACT Government’s Public Housing Renewal Task Force regarding a proposed new public housing project adjacent to the Franklin Early Childhood Centre.

Mr. David Collett, Executive Director, or the taskfroce  provided information and answered questions from the audience

The meeting was advised that there was no intention of expanding Franklin School at this time. Franklin area to South of existing site was not suitable for education.

Questions coming from the audience during the GCC meeting were:

Q: Rationale behind mixing medium-density housing (limit of 2 story)
A: No decision yet, requesting Community input.

Q: What opportunities for Community input?
A: Will be at Franklin Primary School P&C meeting 17:00 – 18:00 Tuesday, <date to be added>.

Q: Why is ACT building public housing, why not buying existing housing?
A: There is the option to achieve both; however building fit-for-purpose residences is preferable.

Q: What does the criteria consider?
A: Bus routes and available blocks.

Q: Are both Franklin blocks still under consideration?
A: No decision.

Q: Is there an intention to start building soon?
A: The website will be updated to inform the public that no DA has been lodged and that no detailed planning work has commenced.

Q: What actions will be taken to avoid public housing issues, for example assaults etc. People have purchased properties to get away from this. Which public housing tenants will be located to the residences?
A: Currently working with each public housing tenant to ensure tenants are suitable for the residences. There will also be a support plan for each tenant. Tenants with behavioural issues – Government wish to have an inclusive and non-discriminatory public housing structure. The website will contain information regarding education advice about previous years.

Q: How will you be able to ensure that public housing tenants behave appropriately?
A: Will provide more information regarding how public housing will ensure appropriate public housing tenant behaviour.

Q: Identified blocks are currently zoned commercial and educational use.  Is this the appropriate zoning for this type of development?
A: The zoning is appropriate.

Q: What will happen if the Community does not accept the proposal?
A: Will take back to Government for consideration.

Q: Why don’t you survey Franklin to get Community opinion?
A: The website will publish current public housing results

Q: What impact will the public housing have on the school?
A: Land will be left for a future school development.

Q: When will they stop changing the proposal regarding Franklin? Why are they not constructing the oval?
A: The website will provide further information.

NOTE: A decision has not been made

Q: Are you open to suggestions on other sites?
A: Yes

Q: How will you inform the community on how to provide suggestions?
A: Doing a letter box drop, email and using social media.  Utilising mainstream media such as newspapers, TV and also via the Gungahlin City Council.

Q:  How come the initial decision was made without appropriate research?
A: Various options were explored

Q: Why isn’t public housing being dispersed into an existing complex rather than a purpose built complex?
A: Both options will take place

Q: How will you ensure that undesirable tenants are excluded?
A: Housing will match tenants within the community environment

Q: How will Government work with the GCC to bring about a suitable development?
A: GCC do not have the capacity to do this

Q: Will you list all the sites being considered for public housing?
A: Yes

Q: What is the level of risk regarding public housing? Information will be requested to inform the community regarding the public housing proposal to explain the risk and the risk management strategies
A: Public housing do not intend to do an risk assessment.

Q: Has the taskforce done a risk assessment?
A: No.

Q: How many tenants?
A: Less than 24

12 attendees remained at the meeting following the completion of this agenda item at 7.55pm

Agenda Item 2. Marketplace Development, Phil Knackstedt, Vinta Group

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Basement 2 levels – underground corridor will also accommodate pedestrian access

DA approval 8 May 2015.  Work commenced 25 May 2015

Open carpark June 2016.  Kmart opening October 2016

Marketplace refurbishment complete by June

Discussion regarding pedestrian mall/shared zone – As is.

2 storm c/r under Big W – Not in current plan

The Marketplace is seeking to close the UG carpark during the hours midnight to 7am.  This is outside the current Crown lease; which dictates 24hrs opening of the carpark.

8.14 – Advice provided that Bunnings will open this Saturday