[ Content provided by TCCS]

The ACT Government is delivering the road infrastructure to support a new high school to open in 2023. This school is to be located in the new suburb of Kenny.

Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) will deliver this road infrastructure including:

  • extension of the Albatross Crescent (west) intersection to the south by approximately 200 metres, including a roundabout at the southern end
  • signalisation of the Well Station Drive/Albatross Crescent (west) intersection
  • signalisation of the Well Station Drive/Kings Canyon Street intersection
  • a shared-use path along Well Station Drive from Flemington Road to the proposed school entrance
  • three bus bays along the Albatross Crescent (west) extension to service the school
  • reconstruction of existing bus stops along Well Station Drive near the Albatross Crescent (west) intersection
  • other necessary upgrades to infrastructure triggered by these works, which may include noise mitigation measures.

The TCCS project team is currently working through the designs for these works and as part of this process we are commencing targeted engagement with surrounding residents, the local community and stakeholders.

High-level designs have been prepared and are available on the City Services website.

If you have any questions or comments, you can get in touch by:

  • contacting the design project manager, Michael Merange, via email at: EGHSRoadInfrastructure@indesco.com.au
  • visiting the drop-in session on: Monday 17 May 2021, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm at the Gungahlin Library, cnr Hibberson and Gozzard Streets, Gungahlin.
  1. Thank you for posting GCC. I think all Harrison residents and anyone who uses Well Station Drive for their commute would like to know why TCCS has proposed such woefully inadequate upgrades that are not consistent with the Transport Impact Assessment Report they commissioned to support Kenny High School? The current proposal does not include any duplication of Well Station Drive other than an exceedingly small section immediately out the front of the new Kenny High School. The Transport Impact Assessment Report recommends duplication of Well Station Drive from Flemington Road to Albatross Crescent (where the current roundabout is). Why has this recommendation not been adopted? Why is the ACT Government making the same mistakes again and again with inadequate road infrastructure in Gungahlin?

    • Great questions Mark. We’ll take these up with MInister Steele at our puboic meeting on 12 May.

  2. Well done! Mark. As Harrsion Resident, I am 100% sure what the traffic will look like whenthis project completed in next couple years.1- Too many cars for the roadway due to inadequate mass transit options.

    2- Obstacles in the road causing a blockage and merger. These can be any of the following:carpar is too close to the intercation betwwen Fleminton Road and Wellstaion Dr;Pedestrian come in and out of Light rail or crossing not permitting cars to turn;Road narrowing down; dropping and picking up kids from school

    3- Inadequate green time

    4- Too many trucks on the road due to inadequate

    7- Overdevelopment in areas where the mass transit system is already overcrowded and the road system is inadequate.

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