The Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) of the ACT Government are undertaking an asessement of Community and Recreation Facilities in Gungahlin through an online consultation.

The Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) strongly encourages all residents to do the Have Your Say survey and to use the map provided as part of the  Assessment of Community and Recreation Facilities in Gungahlin to indicate where facilities should be located.

If you represent or are involved with a community or sporting group please let the GCC know and let us know if the Have Your Say Survey enabled you to communicate your needs effectively.

The assessment is focussed on:

  • developing a community centre for the Gungahlin Town Centre, and
  • the sale of two sites in the Casey Group Centre which are being released for community, residential and commercial uses.

The GCC is particularly concerned about the plans for the two sites in Casey, and the narrowness and quality of the assessment.

Casey Land Release

The two sites in Casey are large blocks along Kingsland Parade – blocks 12, 13 of section 132 Casey.

Casey Community Sites (Blocks 2 & 3 Section 132) indicated by pink outline

Although zoned as commercial, they are part of an arrangement associated with the development of the Casey group centre, outlined in a MyGungahlin article in 2018. Essentially these two blocks will be serviced by the developer of the Casey group centre and then handed back to the ACT government for community use. EPSDD have indicate that:

The sites have a target of 100 dwellings and a commercial area of 24,000m2 across the two blocks. The sites are zoned as Commercial Zone 1: Core Zone which allows for a mix of community, residential and commercial uses.

100 Dwellings and 24,000 sq metres of commercial hardly seems appropriate for community use. The original Casey Concept Plan makes the intent of the casey group centre and surrounding community-use areas very clear:


Two early consultancies were presented at the GCC February 2020 meeting. Much of the rationale for the conclusions and findings in these consultancies were inconsistent with feedback from the community as reflected in the GCC 2019 survey.

Top 3 additional recreation facilities (2019 GCC survey)

The assessment process is focussed on the town centre and casey sites and what might be appropriate for them. The GCC believes a complete assessment of the DEMAND for community, recreation and sporting facilities and services in Gungahlin needs to be undertaken, then working out how these can be fitted into the remaining footprint of Gungahlin. A focus on the SUPPLY of individual blocks will not ensure that Gungahlin is completed with all the services expected by residents.

If you represent or are involved with a community or sporting group please let the GCC know so that we can build a demand-based approach. We would also be interested to know if the Have Your Say survey enables you to communicate your needs effectively.

  1. Will we still have have the pond in Casey?

    • If you think it’s importanty to retain it, you shoudl say so in the survey!

  2. Casey shops caters for two large high schools in the area, Casey as a suburb needs section 12 and 13 for all these young people to hang out. Casey has a population with young teenagers as the majority.
    This area would suit a skate park for young people to hangout than residential property

  3. Definitely some more sporting and recreational facilities. What happens to the proposal for Biwls green, tennis yeah great idea and somewhere for both all ages and more paticularly children 7-15

  4. Indoor Sports Centre must be a top priority (GCC Survey). Casey is ideal location for this. More land in Casey should be allocated for the facility in the first place.
    More dwellings (not apartments) should be planned in suburban areas.

  5. Please do not allow anymore residential development near the Casey shops we will end up like the Gungahlin town centre with major congestion inthe local area. Please give Casey residents a chance to have a say on any further development in our community we were told a social club would be built in the area not concert jungle.

    • Please make sure you express this opinion directly using the links provided in the article. CUrrently the Plannif DIrectorate has the Casey area marked for “urban intensification” – if you think this is wrong you need to say so!

  6. More bbq areas and toilets would be great but also more areas for families to go to build a community. A place to hold events there and places to go for lunch. Bowls club with a function room, a sports area. Something that brings families together.

  7. Sporting area like the Crace or Moncrieff is a great facility for the young people in casey

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