The amended development application for high-rise residential project known as The Establishment (formerly Air Towers) has been refused.
The comprehensive Notice of Decision states that:
- The application was refused because it was found to not meet the relevant rules and criteria of the Territory Plan. In particular, the application was considered inconsistent with:
- the relevant codes, being the Draft Variation 364 (DV364), Commercial Zones Development Code (CZDC), Multi Unit Housing Development Code (MUHDC), Parking and Vehicular Access General Code; Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and
- the advice received from entities, including:
- Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS)
- The Tree Protection Unit (TPU) of the Conservator of Flora and Fauna
- Icon Water
- Environment Protection Authority (EPA); and
- Early Childhood Regulatory Policy and Coordination (CECA)
The GCC was opposed to this amendment and therefore welcomes the decision. The issues raised by the GCC on behalf of Gungahlin residents were all explicitly addressed in the DA’s assessment and the GCC applauds the enforcement of the planning rules that are in place. We would also like to acknowledge the strong position the YMCA undertook to ensure the viability and safety of their early childhood centre so that it can continue to provide services to the Gungahlin community.
Such a fantastic result, achieved by all of us working together! 🙂